SriRamanujam / bot-modules

A collection of modules I've created to interface with various web services and APIs for my irc bot.
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Time tied to users #3

Closed AdnanDervisevic closed 10 years ago

AdnanDervisevic commented 10 years ago

It'd be really cool if you could relate time to yourself, as in .wadd. A .tadd would allow us to easily check what time it is in another users timezone! It would be a neat feature, and I hope you can find time to add it to the feature list.

Or it could do ip2geo or some shit on our ip and use that

SriRamanujam commented 10 years ago

It's certainly something I'm interested in doing. I intend on integrating all the user-stored information into one database on the backend, so this is definitely going to happen when I get around to doing that.