SrijanShovit / HealthLearning

A repo comprising of various Machine Learning and Deep Learning projects in healthcare domain.
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Hepatitis C Prediction | Dataset Exploration #26 #117

Closed SanjanaBankar closed 1 month ago

SanjanaBankar commented 1 month ago

Performed the following tasks on the Hepatitis C Dataset :

  1. Loaded the dataset
  2. Explored and confirmed features and label(s) of this dataset
  3. Explored size & shape of dataset
  4. Investigated data type of features and labels and chose the better option for a particular column for 2 data type
  5. Calculated the memory usage differences between "before processing & after processing"
  6. Explored the statistical facts like mean, median, and "percentiles: 10, 25, 50, 75, 99" of the columns

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