SrijanShovit / HealthLearning

A repo comprising of various Machine Learning and Deep Learning projects in healthcare domain.
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Diabetes eda #143

Closed hit-haa18 closed 4 weeks ago

hit-haa18 commented 4 weeks ago


A clear and concise description of what the PR does.

Related Issues

Link any related issues using the format Fixes #issue_number. This helps to automatically close related issues when the PR is merged.


List the detailed changes made in this PR.

Testing Instructions

Detailed instructions on how to test the changes. Include any setup needed and specific test cases.

  1. Pull this branch.
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm test to execute the test suite.
  4. Verify that ...

Screenshots (if applicable)

Add any screenshots that help explain or visualize the changes.

Additional Context

Any additional context or information that reviewers should be aware of.


Make sure to check off all the items before submitting. Mark with [x] if done.