SrishtiGameLab / info-viz-s1c1-1617

Repository for Information Visualization Studio - Sem 1 - Cycle 1 - 2016-2017
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Assignment - 4 #5

Open yadurajiv opened 8 years ago

yadurajiv commented 8 years ago

Quantified Self - Come up with three lines of inquiries, collect as much data and create as many data-sets that you may need to substantiate your assumptions and/or reveal new information about yourself.

Post your final 3 aspects here along with what all data you may be collecting for each and how you may go about collecting this data. Also once done, post images/photos of your final visualizations here.

shalakarawat commented 8 years ago

The three aspects I'd like to look at for the quantification of self assignment are: 1) My obsession with the South Korean entertainment industry and how it has influenced me. I will be recording things like how many times Ithink of anything related to KPop or KDramas including thinking about it due to the assignment. I will also record things like how many episodes I watch in a day, or MVs I see, music I listen to or hum and any sites that I surf through example:, soompi, etc.

2) Interactions and Hesitance: I want to record how my social anxiety affects my interactions with other people as well as my perspective of my self. For this I will record every instance where I stop myself from doing or saying something due to fear, anxiety or discomfort. I will also record my interactions with other people in terms of physical signals and mental reactions. I will record moments of physical contact either initiated by me or by others. I will also look at what situations make me uncomfortable and why and if they are largely related to other people.

3) Places: This is a simpler aspect. I will be mapping the places I go to over the next week and how much time I spend there in a similar fashion as to how a cat is trackedby it's owner with a GPS tracker. To make it slightly mor refined and complex, I'll expand the areas to include the interiors. For example, my house could be a rectangle which contains smaller rectangles that denote my bedroom, the kitchen, bathroom, etc.

saumyagrover commented 8 years ago

The three aspects I'd like to observe are:

Firstly, I want to observe my activities on social media over the next one week since I don't like to post much online. This will consist of categories such as likes, comments, posts, emoticons on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp etc.

Secondly, I'd like to look at the number of times I change clothes in a day considering I do that quite often. This will consist of the time of the day, type of clothing and colour of the clothing.

Thirdly, I'd like to analyse the books I own since all my books are scattered and mostly incomplete. The categories under this will be, the title, the author, the genre and whether or not I've read the book completely.

navyajoshi commented 8 years ago

After considering various possibilities and questions that I would like to discover about myself the three aspects that I narrowed down to for the "Quantify Self" assignment are as follows:

  1. Profound/Meaningful - Mapping my personal social interactions for a few days, in terms of the people I meet/ interact with over a span of time, the relationship I share with them, the kind of interaction we have (in terms of voice, video, text, picture etc.), the medium of interaction (physical, cell-phone, Snapchat, Skype, E-mail etc), the reason for interacting (help/opinion, greeting, chilling, staying in touch etc.) and my mood/ the emotions I feel while interacting with the person (interested, attentive, zoned out etc.)
  2. Habits/Activities - I am a foodie and wanted to trace my pattern of eating, thinking about/dreaming about food, buying food etc. I also want to consider the aspect of when and why I think about food - is it due to hunger, for the taste (palette needs), bored etc.
  3. Historical Data - Mapping the places I have been to since I graduated from school - reasons for the trip and the mode of transportation I used to travel to these places.
adr1234 commented 8 years ago

My three aspects

  1. Emotions when I see people at certain times in the day and how they influence my mood etc for the rest of the day
  2. Music that I listen to throughout the day... moods and time of the day when I listen to certain songs and how the song effect my state. Also want to map out where and when I was geologically when I was listening to a certain song.
  3. Language - How often do I use the word so. When and under what circumstances of speech does it occur and where in a sentence does it occur.
shraddhanair commented 8 years ago

Yadu, Github isn’t opening on my browser for some reason. I have submitted everything on Blackboard.

On 21-Aug-2016, at 12:54 PM, Yadu Rajiv wrote:

Quantified Self - Come up with three lines of inquiries, collect as much data and create as many data-sets that you may need to substantiate your assumptions and/or reveal new information about yourself.

Post your final 3 aspects here along with what all data you may be collecting for each and how you may go about collecting this data. Also once done, post images/photos of your final visualizations here.

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RachaelDawson commented 8 years ago

The three areas that I'm going to be collecting data about myself are as follows:

  1. I think it would be interesting to see my behavioural patterns during the course of a single day. I would start off by noting down how I feel as soon as I wake up, through every single thought that runs across my mind right until the end of the day, such as:
    • Complaints
    • Hesitation
    • Confidence
    • Get/Give compliments
    • Judgemental
    • Restlessness/ Idle mind/ Caught up with work
    • Procrastinate
    • Moods in general and their reasons

I'm sure the list will lengthen as I start collecting data. It would require me to take a very keen note of things, but I'd like to collect really intense data for just a day and after seeing how it turns out, maybe do it for a couple more days.

  1. My basic language of speech and thought is English, but there are several times in a day when I express certain emotions or feelings only in Tamil (being Tamilian) or Urdu/Hindi/Telugu (Being from Hyderabad). I think it would be interesting to see if any patterns developed in terms of what moods/emotions bring out the Tamilian/Hyderabadi in me. I also find myself thinking in Tamil sometimes in the recent past which is very unusual. I will also keep a record of what language songs I am listening to and if they affect the language in which I'm thinking.
  2. I consider myself to be a boisterous, hearty laugher and very often, people point out the intensity with which I laugh several times a day. I already know that I have several degrees of laughter depending on how funny/how relative the situation is. This is the only thing I've already started collecting data for and currently, the count is about 15 times an hour and it is very honestly, quite annoying to stop and write down every single time I've laughed and for what and with whom and for what. It's going to be a hectic process but I think I should do it because laughter is something that captures the essence of who I am very well!!
paromitabathija commented 8 years ago

Areas of Self-Quantification:

Since the assignment involves collecting data about things we are usually not conscious about, I have decided to approach the data collection process in the style of the 'Dear Data' project. I will keep track of things by making note in a journal/phone at every point.

  1. For the deeper inquiry, I would like to study a data set that will help me understand myself better and improve upon certain aspects. I am known to have mild 'panic moments' multiple times through a day, and am generally a very stressed person. Since the way stress manifests is varied and not easily quantifiable, I will study my stress tendencies by keeping track of these panic moments. I will also track when it happened, what kind of trigger it had, how long it lasted for, the intensity, the response. I hope to, through this, accept the issue and really understand its extent.
  2. Keeping track of all the food I eat through a week. Since I generally am always conscious of what I'm eating, it would be interesting to track it in a structured manner and see what comes out of the data. I will categorize it into sections such as meals/snacks and healthy/unhealthy.
  3. Keeping track of the number of times I look at my phone in a day, and how long I spend on it. I will collect the data over a week, and map it on my phone. I am also interested to see how the data will be altered by the fact that I will be collecting it.
shraddhanair commented 8 years ago

final topics.pdf

paromitabathija commented 8 years ago

The Following are my completed Pieces for the Self-Quantification assignment. With each piece, I focussed an area of data-collection that would help me understand myself better and develop further. So while studying the aggregated data, I looked for patterns that would help associate causes and actions.

  1. Tracking the food I eat in a day, and studying the data for patterns.

self quantification food paromita

2A. Tracking the number of times I look at my phone in a day: Version 1 (Data Art)

self quantification - phone 2 paromita

2B. Tracking the number of times I look at my phone in a day: Version 2 (Infograph)

phone 1

  1. Number of times I panic in a day, and studying the varying triggers, intensities and connected reactions.

Main Page:

untitled-2 copy

Graph 1:

panic - graph 1

Graph 2:

panic - graph 2

Graph 3:

panic - graph 3


shraddhanair commented 8 years ago

reading.pdf key.pdf map.pdf zine.pdf

adr1234 commented 8 years ago

Hello Every one

So... my "so" thing's goin' to take until tomorrow... I'll put that up by tomorrow morning

Here are the music and cig vizes

Sweet that's it for now

adr1234 commented 8 years ago

Here is my final sound file for the so's

The musical theory applied here is essentially nothing...

I sat through each of my recordings (in slow motion) and placed a sound recording console in front of my drum pad. I set a metronome to count cycles of 4 beats (as in 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and...) every time a so occured in the conversation I would strike the drum for the start beat of the so and that was continued in cycles of 16 so that all beats of the cycle could not be filled. That is the fundamental rule associated with the sonification.

I went through 4 samples of the audio recordings that I had and each recording has a designated rhythm instrument associated with it - namely the bass drum, the brush, the hi hat and the snare drum.

Since the percussion sounded too dry all by itself I decided to add a basic note progression. I did not want this to be unpurposeful to the sonification and so I created 4 categories of the so...

  1. In context - c note
  2. Unecessary - e note
  3. I noticed that a lot of sos preceded either I or ya so a 'so' preceding an 'I' was 'a' note and a 'so' preceding a ya was the d note. It was the epitome of cacophony when I put the notes in their original pattern and so I rearranged them to form a better melodic progression.

Changes I would like to make:

  1. This is a very inorganic sonification as I let my musical sensibilities get in the way of the natural flow of the language... So I want to try and do this as a more organic thing.
  2. The process was too drawn out and I'd like to find some better ways of really creating visualizations and sonifications (I was reading about Max by Cycling '74...

Alright. So here is the very sonic art form of my 'so' in a conversation.

navyajoshi commented 8 years ago

The following are the visualisations I came up with, to quantify certain aspects of my personality. I distinguished the three visualisations in such a way, that I was able to elicit data about myself broadly in three categories:

1.PROFOUND/MEANINGFUL - Visualising my personal social interactions with a predefined set of people on certain social media platforms over the course of a week. Concluding patterns of interaction, the medium as well as the reasonfor interaction.

key 2

Interaction I have created an HTML coded visualisation which has been attached as a zip file.

2.HABITS/ACTIVITIES - I am a foodie and wanted to visualise my patterns of eating/buying, thinking about and looking at food. I also want to consider the aspect of when and why I carried out a particular food habit and also take into consideration the kind of food.

Day 1 food-01

Day 2 food-02

Day 3 food-03

I also layered the radar maps across 3 days to experiment and infer any emerging food pattern! food-04


3.HISTORICAL DATA - Mapping the places I have been to since I shifted to Bangalore.Exploring each of these places in terms of colour and texture. I also collected data on the spaces inside these places, their relevance to my trip and the emotions attached with them.

card1 card2 card3 card4 card5

travel key-08

saumyagrover commented 8 years ago

Books .pdf

Social Media.pdf

clothes visualisation

shalakarawat commented 8 years ago

A week of KPop (booklet): ShalakaRawat_KoreanInfluence.pdf

This was actually quite an amusing assignment becasue I didn't realise how much of my time is taken up by KPop and KDramas even while I am doing something else and not actively concentrating on listening or watching. Also, my KDrama binge- watching tendencies got amplified because I thought: more dramas= more data.

shalakarawat commented 8 years ago

Sugar Consumption: The items are divided into the categries of - Fruit and fruit related, Aerated drinks, Tea/coffee, Chocolate biscuits, Biscuits, Homemade Goodies, Candy, Chocolate, Ice cream, Salt & Spicy sweet and Sugar. The Key: key-01 The PDF below is interactive. Hover over the icons to see more details about them. It is a heavy file and will take some time to load. ShalakaRawat_SugarConsumption.pdf

shalakarawat commented 8 years ago

Visualisations for interactions: I am very sorry for the terrible picture quality and the terrible mashing. Each piece of string is representative of an interaction and the over-arching feeling associated with it. The interactinos have been categorised as: Comfortable, Happy, Awkward, Uncomfortable and Stopping/ Hesitating. The concept for the visualisation is very abstract which is why I have not provided a key for it. interaction-01 UPDATE: I tried to take a video and it .... failed.

sabarivenu commented 8 years ago
  1. Physiotherapy and Range of Motion

Having dislocated my right shoulder a couple of months back and subsequently having had to have surgery; my shoulder has been in a pretty bad shape. I have to go through a range of Physio Exercises to get the full range of motion of my shoulder back. I took this opportunity to document and map out the improvement of my shoulder due to one of my exercises over a week. The exercise is merely to try and move my arm in a circular motion, therefore everyday for a week, I stood in the same position and did this particular exercise holding a different coloured sketch pen (for all the different days) drawing out the circle on paper. The change is very evident as is seen from the chart.

dsc_0008 dsc_0009 img_20160901_024811537

  1. Room Activity

For my second project I decided to keep a tab on the activity inside my room. I did this by observing and mapping the paths followed by people in my room and drawing it down on OHP sheets. 3-4 people per sheet, and finally juxtaposed all of them together to get a clear idea of the popular paths and the least visited areas.

dsc_0003 dsc_0001 dsc_0002

  1. Sabari.

Having spent most of my life in Trivandrum, I did not face much problem with regard to the pronounciation of my name, but ever since I stepped out of Kerala I have come across multiple iterations of my name. I took this as a chance to keep an ear out for all the different types of mentions of me in conversation and in what form. With the date I collected I tried out 2 different ways of representation. One of them is an interactive html web-page, where each line has one letter of my name, if you hover over which it will play out the pronounciation. The size of the letter also depends on the frequency of occurrence, bigger the size more frequently it is used.


The second form I tried out was an audio representation of my data set. Calculating the bpm based on the frequency of each name and playing it over each other to form this piece.


RachaelDawson commented 8 years ago

Visualisations of self-quantification:

Kaunsa Emotion, Endha Basha?

(Translation - "What Emotion, What Language?" one word each said in Hindi-English-Telugu-Tamil respectively)

Other than English, the languages I found myself using were Tamil, Telugu, Hyderabadi Hindi and the language that I'd like to call myself the proud creator of. :D The date collected didn't seem as interesting as I was hoping for it to turn out, so I simply worked with what I had - most frequent phrases and the emotions that I associate with each language; i.e if a certain emotion caused me to speak a certain way in a particular language. I assigned four words, one to each language, and gave each word a colour to simplify my process. Since all four languages are used with a hint of humour, I have shown that by keeping one colour constant throughout the four languages. The words/emotions and colours assigned are as follows:

Hyderabadi Hindi - Sattire/Bright Green (Mostly used to emphasise the hilariousness of a situation) Telugu - Natural/Orange-Yellow (I don't even realise when I use these phrases) Tamil - Frustration/Dark Orange (I found myself using a lot of expressions of annoyance and "Oh God"s in Tamil) My own language that I would like to call "Onnu onnu" - Comfort/Dark Pink Humour in all four - Light and bright blue!

I have made a set of three postcards for each language, one - simply showing the most commonly used phrases and, the darker words being more common, the bigger words being the words that I use with more intensity, while the smaller and lighter words are the words that are those that are lesser used, two - handwritten list of the words in their respective scripts, simply because I sought it to be important in order to personalise it, and three - an abstract cartoon of me saying the word in that particular language that I said the most, along with a facial expression that (sort of) depicts the emotion when I use that word.

Here they are! -

Hyderabadi Hindi

hindicloud hindi mehindi


telugucloud telugu metelugu


tamil cloud tamil metamil

Onnu Onnu Language

gibberishcloud gibberish megibberish

RachaelDawson commented 8 years ago

Self-Quantification: Laughter

If I Were A Closet.pdf

RachaelDawson commented 8 years ago

Self Quantification: Moods

Here are a few screenshots from the interactive page that I made, the complete file is up on Blackboard.

yaduhomepage-01 yaduwebsite-01

screen shot 2016-09-08 at 12 50 15 am screen shot 2016-09-08 at 12 51 02 am screen shot 2016-09-08 at 12 50 34 am screen shot 2016-09-08 at 1 26 40 am

![Uploading Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 12.51.04 am.png…]()