Srujani4 / Liquid-Duck-Software-Challenge

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Write Unit tests for API and Database functions #19

Open Srujani4 opened 1 week ago

Srujani4 commented 1 week ago

Description: -Write unit tests for /update_cell endpoint. -Test database operations (e.g., queries, dependency updates). -Validate Redis streams using test data.

Acceptance Criteria: -Coverage report shows >90% code coverage. -All tests pass.

Srujani4 commented 2 days ago

I have added unit test cases for mainapi, duckdbmanager, redis and the test cases are added in the repo. Test cases passed without failure. for coverage, it is still not >90. as the data file and redis listener file aren't added yet. few lines are missed out the existing pytest files due to some conflicts with the other cases.