First, thank you very much for updating ArmorStandTools to 1.19
I installed the plugin on my server and I have some suggestions to make ArmorStandTools even better.
Exit button in the GUI to close the menu.
The tools menu cannot simply be closed!
Missing tab complete commands.
Use heads instead of items in the menu.
The easiest way would be to edit an extra file in the plugin folder the guis.
Save armor_stands
Using a paper item and right click on one armor_stand the armor_stand can be saved and copied
If you hold the paper in your hand and right-click, the saved armor_stand can be placed.
Payment system
Integrate with Vault or EssentialsX
(should EssentialsX be integrated, can also be applied to other futures accessed because EssentialsX offers better support)
summon armor_stand should cost some money, otherwise you get a free armor_stand when mining
To part 3 should copy, save and place as well some cost
A difference between gamemodes
Player Groups
A file for permission groups could make it easier between distinguish member, admins and owner
Hello @St3venAU
First, thank you very much for updating ArmorStandTools to 1.19
I installed the plugin on my server and I have some suggestions to make ArmorStandTools even better.
Exit button in the GUI to close the menu.
Missing tab complete commands.
Use heads instead of items in the menu.
Save armor_stands
Payment system
A difference between gamemodes
Player Groups