Closed gstark closed 5 years ago
Hi Gavin. Here is the link to my color picker homework.
Thanks. See you in the AM.
Should I be adding this surge build link also?
Your homework was marked: Meets Expectations
“Well done!” — via Gavin Stark
In this assignment, you'll create an HSL(a) color picker with React.
First, a little bit of color theory...
On the web, and computers in general, we often think of colors using the RGB color model. In HTML and CSS, we often use hexadecimal triplets to describe colors in RGB. For example,
represents a nice shade of blue: .76
is the red component,BC
for green, andBB
for blue. Those hexadecimal numbers translate, respectively, to118
in decimal. The range for each color is0
.In this model, the three additive primary colors (red, green, and blue) are combined to create colors. The absence of these colors creates black, while all three colors at full strength combine to create white. In hexadecimal,
represent the decimal value255
. This helps to explain why#FFFFFF
represents white. We can also use other notations in CSS to specify colors, such asrgb(118, 188, 187)
, where the decimal values are given.RGB isn't the only way we can use numbers to represent colors; there exists many color models, some with specialized purposes, such as CMYK a subtractive model used in printing. In many color models the relationship between the color components isn't always evident in any meaningful way, especially if you're trying to combine them to find a specific color. Try looking for that perfect shade of blue on an RGB color picker, you will probably find it to be a little counter-intuitive. Some color models are easy to reason about, such as HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) and HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). Like RGB, CSS supports defining colors in HSL:
The first value
is given as a degrees (around a color wheel), the second value is a percentage of saturation (0% being grey, 100% fully saturated), and the third value, a percentage of lightness (0% black, 100% white).You can also read this short guide to HSL
elements to drive a color display. You'll end up with something like this:HINT: You will want to combine techniques of string interpolation and using inline styles in React, for example:
Explorer Mode
, andlightness
in your state.hue
, andlightness
) in the state when changed.hsl(50, 8%, 20%)
) and the actual color as a background color on an element.Adventure Mode
, be sure to put some kind of pattern behind your color so the user can see the transparency effect.hsla()
if the alpha value is less than1
.Epic Mode
In both cases, the sliders should be in the correct positions to represent this random color.
Additional Resources
on MDN