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adding assembly_snptyper version 0.1.1 #1016

Closed erinyoung closed 2 weeks ago

erinyoung commented 3 months ago

Hi! I've found this tool useful for identification of SNPs, especially those of the M1UK emm type (it's a GAS thing).

This script isn't on bioconda, so there's no biocontainer.

The final uncompressed size is expected to be 371MB, which is mostly the reference fasta file.

Pull Request (PR) checklist:

erinyoung commented 3 months ago


kapsakcj commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like everything was installed correctly and the tests passed. Here's some snippets from the automated build & test:

#13 1.153 Building wheels for collected packages: assembly-snptyper
#13 1.154   Building wheel for assembly-snptyper ( started
#13 1.310   Building wheel for assembly-snptyper ( finished with status 'done'
#13 1.311   Created wheel for assembly-snptyper: filename=assembly_snptyper-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl size=6349 sha256=c92097f5f9b1fa81eb913398faffc17e22e913f928d8e2cb39e01e8766de1818
#13 1.311   Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-0pvk9x56/wheels/65/c1/3e/ee22e326693abea96f97a3227c210ab0724ea9c7de841989c0
#13 1.313 Successfully built assembly-snptyper
#13 1.316 Installing collected packages: assembly-snptyper
#13 1.327 Successfully installed assembly-snptyper-0.1.1


#15 [test 1/4] RUN assembly_snptyper --help &&     assembly_snptyper --version
#15 0.393 usage: assembly_snptyper [-h] --vcf VCF --reference REFERENCE --list_input
#15 0.393                          LIST_INPUT [-p PROCESSES] [-v] [--version]
#15 0.393 
#15 0.393 options:
#15 0.393   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#15 0.393   --vcf VCF             VCF file with variants that determine the type
#15 0.393                         (default: None)
#15 0.393   --reference REFERENCE
#15 0.393                         Reference genome (default: None)
#15 0.393   --list_input LIST_INPUT
#15 0.393                         List of input assemblies (default: None)
#15 0.393   -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
#15 0.393                         Number of processes passed to multiprocessing
#15 0.393                         (default: 1)
#15 0.393   -v, --verbose         Verbose output, can be used multiple times. 0 =
#15 0.393                         warning, 1 = info, 2 = debug (default: 0)
#15 0.393   --version             show program's version number and exit
#15 0.767 assembly_snptyper 0.1.1


#17 [test 3/4] RUN wget -q &&     gunzip GCA_900475035.1_41965_F01_genomic.fna.gz &&     ls *genomic.fna > fastas.txt &&     assembly_snptyper --list_input fastas.txt -p 4 --reference /assembly_snptyper/data/MGAS5005.fa --vcf /assembly_snptyper/data/M1UK.vcf > m1uk.txt &&     head m1uk.txt
#17 1.734 sample    matching_variants   wt_variants variants_in_scheme  variants_missing    variants_multiple_cov
#17 1.734 GCA_900475035.1_41965_F01_genomic 0   23  27  4   0

and finally the bash script tests completed successfully bash tests/ as far as I can tell. Looks like it tries to re-install assembly-snptyper using pip, which is unnecessary since everything is already installed.

kapsakcj commented 2 weeks ago

deploy workflow here. I used the image name and tag staphb/assembly_snptyper:0.1.1

erinyoung commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you!