StaZhu / enable-chromium-hevc-hardware-decoding

A guide that teach you enable hardware HEVC decoding & encoding for Chrome / Edge, or build a custom version of Chromium / Electron that supports hardware & software HEVC decoding and hardware HEVC encoding.
MIT License
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win 7 不支持硬解是有什么特殊原因吗? #2

Closed yangjuncode closed 2 years ago

yangjuncode commented 2 years ago

现在的win7 还是不少的

StaZhu commented 2 years ago

chromium的D3D11Decoder只支持win7以上的OS,Win7以及一下走VDADecoder,而VDADecoder用的是MFT,MFT的hevc硬解要求更高,必须win10 1709以上才可以。综上