StaZhu / enable-chromium-hevc-hardware-decoding

A guide that teach you enable hardware HEVC decoding & encoding for Chrome / Edge, or build a custom version of Chromium / Electron that supports hardware & software HEVC decoding and hardware HEVC encoding.
MIT License
1.15k stars 56 forks source link

您提供的测试视频里,有一个杜比视界测试视频缺少元数据 #64

Open lns103 opened 6 months ago

lns103 commented 6 months ago image image

b站原视频流: image 我这里测试,使用ffmpeg remux时加上-strict unofficial参数可以保留杜比视界元数据

StaZhu commented 6 months ago


legosoff commented 4 months ago

It doesn't work for me.
