Staartvin / Autorank-2

Autorank is a Spigot/Bukkit plugin for automatically ranking players based on requirements
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Quests aren't being recognized by autorank anymore. #762

Open DrewRichard opened 3 years ago

DrewRichard commented 3 years ago

We updated the server from 1.16.1 to 1.16.4 and also plugins to the newest versions and now the quests( aren't being recognized by autorank anymore. I reached out to the guy that made the quests plugin and they said "Quests does not depend on that plugin, so seek help from its developer."

We updated to Quests-4.0.0-rc.3 from Quests-3.9.5

This is what we have in autoranks masterToKnight: prerequisites: in group: value: master requirements: time: value: 20h votes: value: 12 quests complete quest: value: "Road to Knighthood - Final"

This is what we have in the quest custom13: name: Road to Knighthood - Final ask-message: '[Alecks] Do you have all 5 letters of Approval? Please give them to me.' finish-message: '[Quests] You have completed the quest line: Road to Knighthood.' npc-giver-id: 17 requirements: quests:

Staartvin commented 3 years ago

That's a good one! I'll try to see if it works on my part. What is the output of /version Autorank and /ar hooks?

Staartvin commented 3 years ago

I've downloaded Quests and Autorank is detecting it properly. It's also working fine with regards to the requirements.

DrewRichard commented 3 years ago

Version autorank give 4.3.3 ar hooks gives Autorank Hooks: [19:16:36 INFO]: - IdleMonitor [19:16:36 INFO]: - mcMMO [19:16:36 INFO]: - Statz [19:16:36 INFO]: - GriefPrevention [19:16:36 INFO]: - Vault [19:16:36 INFO]: - WorldGuard [19:16:36 INFO]: - EssentialsX [19:16:36 INFO]: - Quests [19:16:36 INFO]: - Quests [19:16:36 INFO]: - NuVotifier

I've got no clue why it's not working for us. We changed back to the older version of quests and it works again.

Staartvin commented 3 years ago

Hmm, it seems Autorank is detecting two version of Quests. Are you running two types of Quest plugins? What is the output of /plugins?

Staartvin commented 3 years ago

Are you still having this issue?

DrewRichard commented 3 years ago

So we went back to an older version of quests and it seemed to fix it but that version of quests is no longer an option for us. Quests is now 4.0.2( and autorank is now 4.5.1( When someone tried to check a rank that has a quest as the requirement the server does this This is one of the ranks that use the quests. masterToKnight: prerequisites: in group: value: master requirements: time: value: 20h votes: value: 12 quests complete quest: value: "Road to Knighthood - Final" results: command: lp user &p promote rankprogression command2: cr give to &p LuckyCrate 1 command3: "broadcast &fPlayer &e&p &fhas been promoted to &6Knight&f." message: "&8[&3&lM&7&lad&3&lS&7&ltone&3&lMC&8] &eCongratulations&e! &bYou have ranked up." options: display name: knight auto choose: true

Running /ar hooks gives [12:36:52 INFO]: Autorank Hooks: │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - mcMMO │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - Statz │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - GriefPrevention │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - Jobs │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - Vault │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - WorldGuard │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - EssentialsX │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - Quests │··············· [12:36:52 INFO]: - NuVotifier