Stability-AI / StableSwarmUI

StableSwarmUI, A Modular Stable Diffusion Web-User-Interface, with an emphasis on making powertools easily accessible, high performance, and extensibility.
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What's wrong.. "Error loading model on backend 0" #391

Open Dondkeman opened 2 weeks ago

Dondkeman commented 2 weeks ago


It was installed without any problems using the script. However, when loading the model, the following error prevented further progress. It was the same no matter which model I loaded. I tried reinstalling several times, but the same error occurred.

The log message is as follows:

16:06:10.647 [Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake. at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ThrowEOFUnexpected() at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.EnsureBufferContainsAsync(Int32 minimumRequiredBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ReceiveAsyncPrivate[TResult](Memory1 payloadBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<TResult>.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.ValueTaskSourceAsTask.<>c.<.cctor>b__4_0(Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at StableSwarmUI.Utils.Utilities.ReceiveData(WebSocket socket, Int32 maxBytes, CancellationToken limit) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Utils/Utilities.cs:line 212 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.AwaitJobLive(String workflow, String batchId, Action1 takeOutput, T2IParamInput user_input, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 251 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.LoadModel(T2IModel model) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 768 at StableSwarmUI.Backends.BackendHandler.LoadModelOnAll(T2IModel model, Func2 filter) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Backends/BackendHandler.cs:line 613

Thank you..

mcmonkey4eva commented 2 weeks ago

Check Server -> Logs -> Debug, there's probably more info on the comfy backend's raw output

Dondkeman commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your comment.

This is the entire log from the first execution until an error occurs.

What's the problem?

2024-06-14 15:27:57.011 [Init] === StableSwarmUI v0.6.4.0 Starting at 2024-06-14 15:27:56 === 2024-06-14 15:27:57.054 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_StabilityAPIExtension.StabilityAPIExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.064 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ScorersExtension.ScorersExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.064 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ImageBatchToolExtension.ImageBatchToolExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.064 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_GridGeneratorExtension.GridGeneratorExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.065 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_DynamicThresholding.DynamicThresholdingExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.065 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.065 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_AutoWebUIExtension.AutoWebUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.095 [Init] Parsing command line... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.095 [Init] Loading settings file... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.121 [Init] Re-saving settings file... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.139 [Init] Applying command line settings... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.165 [Init] Prepping options... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.313 [Init] Loading models list... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.365 [Init] Loading backends... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.368 [Init] Loading backends from file... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.375 [Init] Initializing backend #0 - ComfyUI Self-Starting... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.375 [Init] Prepping API... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.377 [Init] Backend request handler loop ready... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.379 [Init] Prepping webserver... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.545 [Init] Scan for web extensions... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.547 [Init] Readying extensions for launch... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.547 [Init] Launching server... 2024-06-14 15:27:57.547 [Init] Starting webserver on 2024-06-14 15:27:57.585 [Init] Program is running. 2024-06-14 15:27:57.697 [Info] Swarm is up to date! Version is the latest. 2024-06-14 15:27:58.085 [Init] Launch web browser... 2024-06-14 15:27:58.860 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 is loading... 2024-06-14 15:27:59.041 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-14 15:27:59.109 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-14 15:27:59.153 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI (Git Pull) exited properly. 2024-06-14 15:27:59.770 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-14 15:27:59.830 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-14 15:28:01.384 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-14 15:28:01.384 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 1890, in load_custom_node 2024-06-14 15:28:01.384 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "", line 843, in exec_module 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon/", line 6, in 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: SwarmBlending.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' 2024-06-14 15:28:01.385 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-14 15:28:02.328 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-14 15:28:02.328 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 1890, in load_custom_node 2024-06-14 15:28:02.328 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "", line 843, in exec_module 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra/", line 4, in 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: SwarmRemBg.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' 2024-06-14 15:28:02.329 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-14 15:28:02.935 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 started. 2024-06-14 15:28:06.515 [Info] Creating new admin session 'local' for 2024-06-14 15:28:29.519 [Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake. at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ThrowEOFUnexpected() at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.EnsureBufferContainsAsync(Int32 minimumRequiredBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ReceiveAsyncPrivate[TResult](Memory1 payloadBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<TResult>.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.ValueTaskSourceAsTask.<>c.<.cctor>b4_0(Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at StableSwarmUI.Utils.Utilities.ReceiveData(WebSocket socket, Int32 maxBytes, CancellationToken limit) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Utils/Utilities.cs:line 212 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.AwaitJobLive(String workflow, String batchId, Action1 takeOutput, T2IParamInput user_input, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 251 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.LoadModel(T2IModel model) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 768 at StableSwarmUI.Backends.BackendHandler.LoadModelOnAll(T2IModel model, Func2 filter) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Backends/BackendHandler.cs:line 613 2024-06-14 15:28:29.519 [Warning] Tried 1 backends but none were able to load model 'OfficialStableDiffusion/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors' 2024-06-14 15:28:30.520 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 unexpectedly exited (if something failed, change setting LogLevel to Debug to see why!) 2024-06-14 15:28:30.520 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 had errors before shutdown: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Total VRAM 24443 MB, total RAM 63884 MB ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: pytorch version: 2.3.1+cu121 ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Set vram state to: NORMAL_VRAM ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Device: cuda:0 Quadro P6000 : cudaMallocAsync ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: VAE dtype: torch.float32 ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch cross attention ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path checkpoints /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Stable-Diffusion ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/LyCORIS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ESRGAN ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/RealESRGAN ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/SwinIR ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale-models ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale_models ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Embeddings ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/embeddings ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path hypernetworks /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/hypernetworks ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/controlnet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ControlNet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path unet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/unet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path gligen /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/gligen ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path ipadapter /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ipadapter ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path yolov8 /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/yolov8 ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path tensorrt /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/tensorrt ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clipseg /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clipseg ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Traceback (most recent call last): ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 1890, in load_custom_node ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "", line 843, in exec_module ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon/", line 6, in ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: SwarmBlending.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Cannot import /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon module for custom nodes: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Traceback (most recent call last): ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 1890, in load_custom_node ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "", line 843, in exec_module ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: File "/home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra/", line 4, in ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: SwarmRemBg.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Cannot import /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra module for custom nodes: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Import times for custom nodes: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/sd-dynamic-thresholding ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/ComfyUI-SAI_API ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.1 seconds (IMPORT FAILED): /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.9 seconds (IMPORT FAILED): /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Starting server ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: To see the GUI go to: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: got prompt ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: model_type EPS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch attention in VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch attention in VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Requested to load AutoencoderKL ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Loading 1 new model

mcmonkey4eva commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, well, first issue: you need Python 3.10 or 3.11, 3.8 is too outdated

Second, check how much RAM your system has - that type of sudden harsh cut off while loading usually indicates you've ran out RAM

Dondkeman commented 2 weeks ago

1.Python version issue I tried it in Python 3.10, but the same error occurred. Even when running the macOS version of StableSwarmUI on Python 3.8, it worked without problems. (Apple Silicon M2)

  1. Memory issue After running StableSwarmUI, 62GB of space remained.
mcmonkey4eva commented 2 weeks ago

The 3.10 part is for the TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' errors

mcmonkey4eva commented 2 weeks ago

Try monitoring top / watch free -h / nvtop while loading models to see if there's any resource filling up right before it crashes.

From that log it strongly looks like something hard crashed, just need to figure out why/what.

(A log on python 3.10 will help just because it won't have the unrelated errors mixed in)

Dondkeman commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your detailed answer.

After installing Python version 3.10 and reinstall SwarmUI, that "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict' " errors no longer appeared.

However, errors that occur when loading the model still occur.

[Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.

Through monitoring 'top', I confirmed that several processes were executed and terminated when loading the model, but it was difficult to determine which process was causing the error.

2024-06-17 10:07:47.791 [Init] === StableSwarmUI v0.6.4.1 Starting at 2024-06-17 10:07:47 === 2024-06-17 10:07:47.831 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_StabilityAPIExtension.StabilityAPIExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.840 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ScorersExtension.ScorersExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.841 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ImageBatchToolExtension.ImageBatchToolExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.841 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_GridGeneratorExtension.GridGeneratorExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.841 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_DynamicThresholding.DynamicThresholdingExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.841 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.841 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_AutoWebUIExtension.AutoWebUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.870 [Init] Parsing command line... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.870 [Init] Loading settings file... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.895 [Init] Re-saving settings file... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.912 [Init] Applying command line settings... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.940 [Init] Prepping options... 2024-06-17 10:07:47.967 [Init] Current git commit marked as date 2024-06-16 03:45:53 2024-06-17 10:07:47.983 [Init] CPU Cores: 8 | RAM: 62.39 GiB total, 60.95 GiB available 2024-06-17 10:07:47.983 [Init] GPU 0: NVIDIA RTX A4000 | Temp 52C | Util 0% GPU, 3% Memory | VRAM 15.99 GiB total, 15.72 GiB free, 1024.00 KiB used 2024-06-17 10:07:47.983 [Init] GPU 1: Quadro P6000 | Temp 25C | Util 0% GPU, 0% Memory | VRAM 24.00 GiB total, 23.87 GiB free, 2.00 MiB used 2024-06-17 10:07:48.088 [Init] Loading models list... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.126 [Init] Loading backends... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.127 [Init] Loading backends from file... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.130 [Init] Prepping API... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.132 [Init] Prepping webserver... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.132 [Init] Initializing backend #0 - ComfyUI Self-Starting... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.132 [Init] Backend request handler loop ready... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.225 [Init] Swarm is up to date! Version is the latest. 2024-06-17 10:07:48.313 [Init] Scan for web extensions... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Init] Readying extensions for launch... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Init] Launching server... 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Init] Starting webserver on 2024-06-17 10:07:48.351 [Init] Program is running. 2024-06-17 10:07:48.852 [Init] Launch web browser... 2024-06-17 10:07:49.662 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 is loading... 2024-06-17 10:07:49.813 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-17 10:07:49.820 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI (Git Pull) exited properly. 2024-06-17 10:07:49.860 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-17 10:07:50.551 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-17 10:07:50.639 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull exited properly. 2024-06-17 10:07:53.745 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 started. 2024-06-17 10:08:01.652 [Info] Creating new admin session 'local' for 2024-06-17 10:08:13.068 [Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake. at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ThrowEOFUnexpected() at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.EnsureBufferContainsAsync(Int32 minimumRequiredBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Net.WebSockets.ManagedWebSocket.ReceiveAsyncPrivate[TResult](Memory1 payloadBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder1.StateMachineBox1.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<TResult>.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.ValueTaskSourceAsTask.<>c.<.cctor>b__4_0(Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at StableSwarmUI.Utils.Utilities.ReceiveData(WebSocket socket, Int32 maxBytes, CancellationToken limit) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Utils/Utilities.cs:line 212 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.AwaitJobLive(String workflow, String batchId, Action1 takeOutput, T2IParamInput user_input, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 251 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.LoadModel(T2IModel model) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 768 at StableSwarmUI.Backends.BackendHandler.LoadModelOnAll(T2IModel model, Func2 filter) in /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/Backends/BackendHandler.cs:line 613 2024-06-17 10:08:13.068 [Warning] Tried 1 backends but none were able to load model 'OfficialStableDiffusion/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors' 2024-06-17 10:08:14.051 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 unexpectedly exited (if something failed, change setting LogLevel to Debug to see why!) 2024-06-17 10:08:14.051 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 had errors before shutdown: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Total VRAM 24443 MB, total RAM 63884 MB ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: pytorch version: 2.3.1+cu121 ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Set vram state to: NORMAL_VRAM ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Device: cuda:0 Quadro P6000 : cudaMallocAsync ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch cross attention ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path checkpoints /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Stable-Diffusion ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/LyCORIS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ESRGAN ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/RealESRGAN ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/SwinIR ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale-models ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale_models ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Embeddings ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/embeddings ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path hypernetworks /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/hypernetworks ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/controlnet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ControlNet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clip /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path unet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/unet ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path gligen /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/gligen ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path ipadapter /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ipadapter ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path yolov8 /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/yolov8 ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path tensorrt /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/tensorrt ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path clipseg /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clipseg ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Import times for custom nodes: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/sd-dynamic-thresholding ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/ComfyUI-SAI_API ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.1 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: 0.8 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Starting server ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: To see the GUI go to: ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: got prompt ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: model_type EPS ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch attention in VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Using pytorch attention in VAE ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Requested to load AutoencoderKL ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 error: Loading 1 new model 2024-06-17 10:08:14.052 [Error] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 failed. Restarting per configuration AutoRestart=true... 2024-06-17 10:08:14.059 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 is loading... 2024-06-17 10:08:18.089 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 started. 2024-06-17 10:07:47.926 [Debug] [Load Time] Initial settings load took 0.13s (0.13s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:47.940 [Debug] [Load Time] Extension PreInit took 0.01s (0.14s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.043 [Debug] [Load Time] Prep Objects took 0.1s (0.24s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.043 [Debug] [Load Time] Web PreInit took 0s (0.24s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.051 [Debug] [Load Time] Extensions Init took 0.01s (0.25s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.052 [Debug] [Load Time] Prep Utils took 0s (0.25s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.088 [Debug] [Load Time] Languages load took 0.04s (0.29s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.126 [Debug] [Load Time] Model listing took 0.04s (0.33s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.130 [Debug] [Load Time] Backends took 0s (0.33s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.132 [Debug] [Load Time] API took 0s (0.33s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.204 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] WebApp builder prep took 0.07s (0.07s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.225 [Debug] Local version is, remote version is, relative is 1 2024-06-17 10:07:48.256 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] WebApp build took 0.05s (0.12s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.256 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] exception handler took 0s (0.12s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.256 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] StartStop handler took 0s (0.12s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.256 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] static files took 0s (0.12s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.311 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] core use calls took 0.06s (0.18s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.313 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] core maps took 0s (0.18s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Debug] [Load Time] [Web] end took 0s (0.18s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Debug] [Load Time] Web prep took 0.18s (0.52s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.314 [Debug] [Load Time] Extensions pre-launch took 0s (0.52s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.351 [Debug] [Load Time] Web launch took 0.04s (0.55s from start) 2024-06-17 10:07:48.811 [Debug] comfy node pull stdout: Already up to date. 2024-06-17 10:07:48.814 [Debug] Status of comfy node pull after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:07:48.818 [Debug] ComfyUI (Git Pull) stdout: Already up to date. 2024-06-17 10:07:48.819 [Debug] Status of ComfyUI (Git Pull) after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:07:48.860 [Debug] comfy node pull stdout: Already up to date. 2024-06-17 10:07:48.861 [Debug] Status of comfy node pull after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:07:49.549 [Debug] comfy node pull stdout: Already up to date. 2024-06-17 10:07:49.550 [Debug] Status of comfy node pull after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:07:49.637 [Debug] comfy node pull stdout: Already up to date. 2024-06-17 10:07:49.638 [Debug] Status of comfy node pull after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:07:49.647 [Debug] Requested generic launch of dlbackend/ComfyUI/ on GPU 1 from ComfyUI-0 2024-06-17 10:07:49.661 [Debug] (ComfyUI-0 launch) Adding path /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv 2024-06-17 10:07:49.661 [Debug] (ComfyUI-0 launch) Will use python: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/bin/python3 2024-06-17 10:07:50.874 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Total VRAM 24443 MB, total RAM 63884 MB 2024-06-17 10:07:50.874 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: pytorch version: 2.3.1+cu121 2024-06-17 10:07:50.883 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Set vram state to: NORMAL_VRAM 2024-06-17 10:07:50.883 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Device: cuda:0 Quadro P6000 : cudaMallocAsync 2024-06-17 10:07:51.418 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Using pytorch cross attention 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path checkpoints /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Stable-Diffusion 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/LyCORIS 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ESRGAN 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/RealESRGAN 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/SwinIR 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale-models 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale_models 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Embeddings 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/embeddings 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path hypernetworks /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/hypernetworks 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/controlnet 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ControlNet 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path clip /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path unet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/unet 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path gligen /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/gligen 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path ipadapter /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ipadapter 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path yolov8 /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/yolov8 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path tensorrt /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/tensorrt 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path clipseg /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clipseg 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes 2024-06-17 10:07:51.866 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Import times for custom nodes: 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/sd-dynamic-thresholding 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/ComfyUI-SAI_API 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 0.1 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 0.8 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra 2024-06-17 10:07:53.006 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:07:53.008 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Starting server 2024-06-17 10:07:53.008 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:07:53.008 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: To see the GUI go to: 2024-06-17 10:07:53.741 [Debug] Comfy backend 0 using model folder format: forward slash / as no backslash was found 2024-06-17 10:07:53.745 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 self-start port 7821 loop ending (should now be alive) 2024-06-17 10:08:01.803 [Debug] Comfy backend 0 using model folder format: forward slash / as no backslash was found 2024-06-17 10:08:01.807 [Debug] Data refreshed! 2024-06-17 10:08:09.823 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: got prompt 2024-06-17 10:08:09.969 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: model_type EPS 2024-06-17 10:08:11.138 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Using pytorch attention in VAE 2024-06-17 10:08:11.139 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Using pytorch attention in VAE 2024-06-17 10:08:12.306 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Requested to load AutoencoderKL 2024-06-17 10:08:12.306 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Loading 1 new model 2024-06-17 10:08:14.051 [Debug] Status of ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 after process end is RUNNING 2024-06-17 10:08:14.052 [Debug] Requested generic launch of dlbackend/ComfyUI/ on GPU 1 from ComfyUI-0 2024-06-17 10:08:14.059 [Debug] (ComfyUI-0 launch) Adding path /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv 2024-06-17 10:08:14.059 [Debug] (ComfyUI-0 launch) Will use python: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/bin/python3 2024-06-17 10:08:15.251 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Total VRAM 24443 MB, total RAM 63884 MB 2024-06-17 10:08:15.251 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: pytorch version: 2.3.1+cu121 2024-06-17 10:08:15.260 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Set vram state to: NORMAL_VRAM 2024-06-17 10:08:15.260 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Device: cuda:0 Quadro P6000 : cudaMallocAsync 2024-06-17 10:08:15.795 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Using pytorch cross attention 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path checkpoints /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Stable-Diffusion 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path vae /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/VAE 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Lora 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path loras /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/LyCORIS 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ESRGAN 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/RealESRGAN 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/SwinIR 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale-models 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path upscale_models /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/upscale_models 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/Embeddings 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path embeddings /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/embeddings 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path hypernetworks /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/hypernetworks 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/controlnet 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path controlnet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ControlNet 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path clip_vision /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip_vision 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path clip /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clip 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path unet /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/unet 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path gligen /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/gligen 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path ipadapter /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/ipadapter 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path yolov8 /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/yolov8 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path tensorrt /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/tensorrt 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path clipseg /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/Models/clipseg 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes 2024-06-17 10:08:16.247 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Adding extra search path custom_nodes /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Import times for custom nodes: 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/sd-dynamic-thresholding 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 0.0 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/DLNodes/ComfyUI-SAI_API 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 0.1 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyCommon 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 0.9 seconds: /home/myhome/development/python/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ExtraNodes/SwarmComfyExtra 2024-06-17 10:08:17.399 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:08:17.401 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: Starting server 2024-06-17 10:08:17.401 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: 2024-06-17 10:08:17.401 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 on port 7822 stderr: To see the GUI go to: 2024-06-17 10:08:18.089 [Debug] Comfy backend 0 using model folder format: forward slash / as no backslash was found 2024-06-17 10:08:18.089 [Debug] ComfyUI-0 self-start port 7822 loop ending (should now be alive)

fahdmirza commented 2 weeks ago

Having same error On Ubuntu 22.02, Python 11, 48GB VRAM, Plenty of RAM. Installs fine but fails to load the model:

2024-06-17 11:30:44.755 [Init] === StableSwarmUI v0.6.4.1 Starting at 2024-06-17 11:30:44 === 2024-06-17 11:30:44.818 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_StabilityAPIExtension.StabilityAPIExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.833 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ScorersExtension.ScorersExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.833 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ImageBatchToolExtension.ImageBatchToolExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.833 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_GridGeneratorExtension.GridGeneratorExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.834 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_DynamicThresholding.DynamicThresholdingExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.834 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.834 [Init] Prepping extension: StableSwarmUI.Builtin_AutoWebUIExtension.AutoWebUIBackendExtension... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.878 [Init] Parsing command line... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.879 [Init] Loading settings file... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.918 [Init] Re-saving settings file... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.940 [Init] Applying command line settings... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.984 [Init] Prepping options... 2024-06-17 11:30:44.995 [Init] Current git commit marked as date 2024-06-17 05:54:55 2024-06-17 11:30:45.046 [Init] CPU Cores: 6 | RAM: 47.13 GiB total, 42.76 GiB available 2024-06-17 11:30:45.047 [Init] GPU 0: NVIDIA RTX A6000 | Temp 27C | Util 0% GPU, 0% Memory | VRAM 47.99 GiB total, 47.41 GiB free, 34.00 MiB used 2024-06-17 11:30:45.220 [Init] Loading models list... 2024-06-17 11:30:45.302 [Init] Swarm is up to date! Version is the latest. 2024-06-17 11:30:48.107 [Init] Loading backends... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.109 [Init] Loading backends from file... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.114 [Init] Initializing backend #0 - ComfyUI Self-Starting... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.115 [Init] Prepping API... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.116 [Init] Backend request handler loop ready... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.119 [Init] Prepping webserver... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.358 [Init] Scan for web extensions... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.363 [Init] Readying extensions for launch... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.363 [Init] Launching server... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.363 [Init] Starting webserver on http://localhost:7801 2024-06-17 11:30:48.416 [Init] Program is running. 2024-06-17 11:30:48.655 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 is loading... 2024-06-17 11:30:48.917 [Init] Launch web browser... 2024-06-17 11:30:49.363 [Info] Self-Start ComfyUI (Git Pull) exited properly. 2024-06-17 11:30:49.368 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull (sd-dynamic-thresholding) exited properly. 2024-06-17 11:30:49.408 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull (ComfyUI-SAI_API) exited properly. 2024-06-17 11:30:49.561 [Info] Creating new admin session 'local' for 2024-06-17 11:30:49.625 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull (ComfyUI-SAI_API) exited properly. 2024-06-17 11:30:49.642 [Info] Self-Start comfy node pull (sd-dynamic-thresholding) exited properly. 2024-06-17 11:30:54.716 [Init] Self-Start ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 started. 2024-06-17 11:31:42.974 [Error] [WebAPI] Error handling API request '/API/GetCurrentStatus': Request input has unknown session id 2024-06-17 11:31:42.978 [Info] Creating new admin session 'local' for 2024-06-17 11:31:48.386 [Error] [WebAPI] Error handling API request '/API/GetCurrentStatus': Request input has unknown session id 2024-06-17 11:31:48.389 [Info] Creating new admin session 'local' for 2024-06-17 11:31:53.333 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-17 11:31:53.333 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 151, in recursive_execute 2024-06-17 11:31:53.333 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.333 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.333 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 81, in get_output_data 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return_values = map_node_over_list(obj, input_data_all, obj.FUNCTION, allow_interrupt=True) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 74, in map_node_over_list 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: results.append(getattr(obj, func)(slice_dict(input_data_all, i))) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 516, in load_checkpoint 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: out =, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, embedding_directory=folder_paths.get_folder_paths("embeddings")) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 497, in load_checkpoint_guess_config 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: model_config = model_detection.model_config_from_unet(sd, diffusion_model_prefix) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 237, in model_config_from_unet 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: unet_config = detect_unet_config(state_dict, unet_key_prefix) 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 118, in detect_unet_config 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: model_channels = state_dict['{}input_blocks.0.0.weight'.format(key_prefix)].shape[0] 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: KeyError: 'model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.0.0.weight' 2024-06-17 11:31:53.334 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-17 11:31:53.612 [Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.InvalidOperationException: ComfyUI execution error: 'model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.0.0.weight' at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.GetAllImagesForHistory(JToken output, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 451 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.AwaitJobLive(String workflow, String batchId, Action1 takeOutput, T2IParamInput user_input, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 382 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.LoadModel(T2IModel model) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 768 at StableSwarmUI.Backends.BackendHandler.LoadModelOnAll(T2IModel model, Func2 filter) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/Backends/BackendHandler.cs:line 613 2024-06-17 11:31:53.612 [Warning] Tried 1 backends but none were able to load model 'models--stabilityai--stable-diffusion-3-medium-diffusers/snapshots/b1148b4028b9ec56ebd36444c193d56aeff7ab56/text_encoder_2/model.safetensors' 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 151, in recursive_execute 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 81, in get_output_data 2024-06-17 11:32:07.671 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return_values = map_node_over_list(obj, input_data_all, obj.FUNCTION, allow_interrupt=True) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 74, in map_node_over_list 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: results.append(getattr(obj, func)(slice_dict(input_data_all, i))) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/", line 268, in decode 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return (vae.decode(samples["samples"]), ) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 325, in decode 2024-06-17 11:32:07.672 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: pixel_samples[x:x+batch_number] = self.process_output(self.first_stage_model.decode(samples).to(self.output_device).float()) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/ldm/models/", line 199, in decode 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: dec = self.post_quant_conv(z) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1532, in _wrapped_call_impl 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return self._call_impl(*args, kwargs) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.673 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1541, in _call_impl 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return forward_call(*args, *kwargs) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/comfy/", line 80, in forward 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return super().forward(args, kwargs) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 460, in forward 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return self._conv_forward(input, self.weight, self.bias) 2024-06-17 11:32:07.674 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: File "/home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/dlbackend/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 456, in _conv_forward 2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return F.conv2d(input, weight, bias, self.stride, 2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: RuntimeError: GET was unable to find an engine to execute this computation 2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: 2024-06-17 11:32:08.000 [Error] Error loading model on backend 0 (ComfyUI Self-Starting): System.InvalidOperationException: ComfyUI execution error: GET was unable to find an engine to execute this computation at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.GetAllImagesForHistory(JToken output, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 451 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.AwaitJobLive(String workflow, String batchId, Action1 takeOutput, T2IParamInput user_input, CancellationToken interrupt) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 382 at StableSwarmUI.Builtin_ComfyUIBackend.ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.LoadModel(T2IModel model) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/BuiltinExtensions/ComfyUIBackend/ComfyUIAPIAbstractBackend.cs:line 768 at StableSwarmUI.Backends.BackendHandler.LoadModelOnAll(T2IModel model, Func2 filter) in /home/Ubuntu/StableSwarmUI/src/Backends/BackendHandler.cs:line 613 2024-06-17 11:32:08.000 [Warning] Tried 1 backends but none were able to load model 'OfficialStableDiffusion/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors'

mcmonkey4eva commented 2 weeks ago

2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: return F.conv2d(input, weight, bias, self.stride,
2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-06-17 11:32:07.675 [Warning] ComfyUI-0 on port 7821 stderr: RuntimeError: GET was unable to find an engine to execute this computation

It looks like torch is unhappy with your GPU drivers? You probably need to update one or both of the two