Stable-Baselines-Team / stable-baselines3-contrib

Contrib package for Stable-Baselines3 - Experimental reinforcement learning (RL) code
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trying to mask actions for an environment with dict observation and multidiscrete action space #149

Open zbenmo opened 1 year ago

zbenmo commented 1 year ago

Important Note: We do not do technical support, nor consulting and don't answer personal questions per email. Please post your question on reddit or stack overflow in that case.

If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue with the tag [question].
If you wish to suggest an enhancement or feature request, add the tag [feature request].
If you are submitting a bug report, please fill in the following details.

Describe the bug Trying to mask actions for an environment with dict observation and multidiscrete action space.

Code example I have "pull request" a failing test.

Please use the markdown code blocks for both code and stack traces.

from typing import Tuple

import gym
import numpy as np
from sb3_contrib import MaskablePPO
from stable_baselines3.common.env_checker import check_env

class MyBreakingCodeEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self):
        obs_dict = dict(
            board=gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(8 * 8,), dtype=bool),
            player=gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([8, 8]),
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(obs_dict)
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([8, 8])

    def reset(self):
        return self._obs()

    def _obs(self):
        return {"board": np.zeros(shape=(8, 8), dtype=bool).flatten(), "player": (2, 3)}

    def step(self, action: Tuple[int, int]):
        reward = 0.2
        done = False
        info = {}
        return self._obs(), reward, done, info

    def render(self):

    def action_masks(self) -> np.ndarray:
        masks = np.zeros(shape=(8, 8), dtype=bool)
        for i in range(8):
            masks[i, i] = True
        return masks

env = MyBreakingCodeEnv()

check_env(env, warn=True)

model = MaskablePPO("MultiInputPolicy", env, n_steps=32, seed=8)
 RuntimeError: shape '[1, 8]' is invalid for input of size 32

System Info Describe the characteristic of your environment:

sb3 - 1.8.0a2 (also with 1.7.0)

You can use sb3.get_system_info() to print relevant packages info:

 python -c 'import stable_baselines3 as sb3; sb3.get_system_info()'

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

zbenmo commented 1 year ago

The same issue as #148

araffin commented 1 year ago

If I use the env checker I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/raff_an/USERDIR/projects/torchy-baselines/stable_baselines3/common/", line 219, in _check_returned_values
    _check_obs(obs[key], observation_space.spaces[key], "reset")
  File "/home/raff_an/USERDIR/projects/torchy-baselines/stable_baselines3/common/", line 164, in _check_obs
    ), f"The observation returned by the `{method_name}()` method should be a single value, not a tuple"
AssertionError: The observation returned by the `reset()` method should be a single value, not a tuple

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 42, in <module>
    check_env(env, warn=True)
  File "/home/raff_an/USERDIR/projects/torchy-baselines/stable_baselines3/common/", line 377, in check_env
    _check_returned_values(env, observation_space, action_space)
  File "/home/raff_an/USERDIR/projects/torchy-baselines/stable_baselines3/common/", line 221, in _check_returned_values
    raise AssertionError(f"Error while checking key={key}: " + str(e)) from e
AssertionError: Error while checking key=player: The observation returned by the `reset()` method should be a single value, not a tuple

with the correct observation:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 46, in <module>
  File "/sb3_contrib/sb3_contrib/ppo_mask/", line 521, in learn
    continue_training = self.collect_rollouts(self.env, callback, self.rollout_buffer, self.n_steps, use_masking)
  File "/sb3_contrib/sb3_contrib/ppo_mask/", line 298, in collect_rollouts
    actions, values, log_probs = self.policy(obs_tensor, action_masks=action_masks)
  File "/volume/USERSTORE/raff_an/mambaforge/envs/th/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1130, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/sb3_contrib/sb3_contrib/common/maskable/", line 140, in forward
  File "/sb3_contrib/sb3_contrib/common/maskable/", line 246, in apply_masking
  File "/sb3_contrib/sb3_contrib/common/maskable/", line 58, in apply_masking
    self.masks = th.as_tensor(masks, dtype=th.bool, device=device).reshape(self.logits.shape)
RuntimeError: shape '[1, 8]' is invalid for input of size 32

~My guess is that we don't support multi-dimensional multi discrete space for masks.~

Please take a look at the built-in multi discrete env.

araffin commented 1 year ago

Probably a duplicate of and

Maxxxel commented 5 months ago

I get the same error for my env with Multidiscrete(3, 10, 10), my action mask is a 300 bool values sized array: shape '[-1, 23]' is invalid for input of size 300 But i think the problem comes from the Dict Observation Space. Im using FlattenObservation Wrapper for it and i guess this doesnt work with MaskablePPO..

when i run it without the FlattenObservation Wrapper the .learn method instead returns 'dict' object has no attribute 'flatten'

when i use the MaskableMultiInputActorCriticPolicy i also get the same error about the shape MaskablePPO(MaskableMultiInputActorCriticPolicy, env, verbose=2)

The problem is that masks_tensor = masks_tensor.view(-1, sum(self.action_dims)) inside of takes a sum of dims. But my dims are (3, 10, 10) so it expects 23 but recevied 300!

For me its pressing 1 of 3 buttons on a 10 x 10 grid.

I 'fixed' it by switching to a Discrete representation of Size 300, where the first digit is the button and the 2nd and 3rd digit are the xy coords..