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PLD and FoF windows, double weaves #2

Closed abandon-the-flesh closed 4 days ago

abandon-the-flesh commented 1 week ago

I've tested some consistent missed GCDs and drifts in the FoF window and have a few findings:

The Circle of Scorn and Expiacion double weave is not being executed properly. The order of execution for this double weave is Circle of Scorn first, then Expiacion. This is consistently incorrect in every FoF window, causing downtime on CoS.

At the 2min window (every other FoF use) Sepulchre should not be executed after Supplication.

Instead, it is held for the burst window, as follows: Supplication > FoF&Imperator > Confiteor > Circle of Scorn&Expiacion > Blade of Faith > Intervene > Blade of Truth > Intervene > Blade of Valor > Blade of Honor > Goring Blade > Sepulchre > Holy Spirit > Royal Authority

The rotation continues as normal again until the 4 min window, 6 min window, 8min window, etc. I'm not sure if this is possible to code into logic, otherwise the rotation is near perfect.

Thanks for your consideration.

Notes: FoF should never be delayed. Always use Atonement immediately after Royal Authority. Prioritize use of Sepulchre in FoF (over Holy Spirit)

StackBLU commented 1 week ago

Think I got it right - can you test and confirm with the latest version? (

Can you explain why Circle of Scorn comes before Expiacion as well?

abandon-the-flesh commented 1 week ago

Using CoS first reduces the chances of losing damage from a lost tick at the end. It's very minor. I did find in some rare cases that CoS was coming out after Blade of Faith, breaking the double weave prio and potentially desyncing some cds. I will explain to the best of my ability below

1min mark: Royal Authority was used before Imperator, so the weaves became Imperator&CoS > Confietor >Expiacion&Intervene . This didnt effect any ability uses in that window, however this rotation is incorrect and seems to have caused some desyncing in the logic. Analyzing the log, each FoF window should always start with Imperator. Later in the log, Imperator is consistently drifted by 1 GCD. This can and will delay later gcds (Confitetor 123 combo). This happens at the 3 minute mark (Riot Blade First, one missed action); 4min mark (Fast Blade first, one missed action); 5 min window (Atonement first, which actually ends up using 4/3 recommended actions in the FoF window).

Sometimes Expiacion is being weaved with Intervene after Blade of Faith. While rule of thumb says to use these OGCDs ASAP, the order of prio should be CoS First, Expiacion weaved with CoS; then intervene third after the next GCD. Its OK to be a bit over cap on gauge if Shelltron is on Auto and weave it alongside (after) intervene obviously.

After testing 6mins on a dummy, it is significantly better about action useage in the FoF window so thank you for your work. Also there were two incidents of Divine Might falling off before using Holy Spirit, resulting in a loss of use, which may just be because of the Sepulchure prio. Not sure.

abandon-the-flesh commented 1 week ago

Here's a recent in fight example of what i mean: me hitting FoF and getting downtime (gcd not rolling) is of my own fault; however Imperator is getting delayed because a GCD is being forced instead of waiting for imperator. This log in particular never started with imperator after FoF because it's actually preventing a triple weave - I hit divine veil so it weaved with FoF then imperator came out after the following gcd.


I'll try to play slower and track this more.

StackBLU commented 6 days ago

I added timing checks for defensive abilities (Sheltron, Intervention, and Intervene cuz it's weak), so they won't be used if any of the higher priority abilities (FoF, CoS, Expiacion, and Imperator) have a cooldown remaining of less than 2. This should eliminate any weaving issues of less than 0.6 sec. It probably doesn't need to be 2 sec, but I can adjust it again if needed.

As for the usage order of Imperator > CoS > GCD > Expiacion, this is because of lag reduction and not checking for triple weaves. Since UC allows for triple weaves, this will likely always be the order it happens in. However, this also means that you're gaining 0.6 sec on your rotation. Pretty meaningless, but you're not losing any damage, so that's all that matters.

When I tested for 8 mins, I didn't lose any Divine Might stacks. Since conditions get a bit messy when you use things manually, can you record a long usage of what you'd normally do, then show it here? It likely has something to do with FoF window checking.

I'll take a closer look at the GCD drifting. It's likely something with Imperator being under 0.6 sec on cooldown, so Expiacion or CoS are used instead.

Current version:

abandon-the-flesh commented 6 days ago

nevermind i'm dumb, this works fine