StackExchange / StackExchange.Redis

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Sentinel ConnectionMultiplexer throw RedisCommandException #1630

Closed thangnn91 closed 3 years ago

thangnn91 commented 3 years ago

My source code perfectly worked at version 2.1.28. Then, I was updating target framework to net5.0, also upgraded StackExchange Redis to newest version, and I got the exception I tried downgrading Nuget version 2.2.3, 2.1.58, but still got the error. I think a certain version after 2.1.28 has been changed My ConnectionMultiplexer source:

ConfigurationOptions sentinelConfig = new ConfigurationOptions(); sentinelConfig.ServiceName = redisSection.ServiceName;

           foreach (var item in redisSection.Sentinels)
                sentinelConfig.EndPoints.Add(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(item.Host), item.Port);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisSection.SetinelPassword))
                sentinelConfig.Password = redisSection.SetinelPassword;
                sentinelConfig.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet<string>
                    // custom cmd
                sentinelConfig.CommandMap = CommandMap.Sentinel;
            sentinelConfig.TieBreaker = "";
            //sentinelConfig.DefaultVersion = new Version(4, 0, 11);
            // its important to set the Sentinel commands supported

            // Get sentinel connection
            ConnectionMultiplexer sentinelConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(sentinelConfig, Console.Out);
            // Create master service configuration
            ConfigurationOptions masterConfig = new ConfigurationOptions
                ServiceName = redisSection.ServiceName,
                EndPoints = { { redisSection.Host, redisSection.Port } },
                DefaultDatabase = redisSection.Database
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisSection.Password)) masterConfig.Password = redisSection.Password;
            //// Get master Redis connection
            //var redisMasterConnection = sentinelConnection.GetSentinelMasterConnection(masterConfig);
            Connection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() => sentinelConnection.GetSentinelMasterConnection(masterConfig));`

Exception I got: StackExchange.Redis.RedisCommandException: This operation is not available unless admin mode is enabled: ROLE I tried adding sentinelConfig.AllowAdmin=true Then I got other exception: This operation has been disabled in the command-map and cannot be used: ROLE

mgravell commented 3 years ago

agree it shouldn't need AllowAdmin - that's fixed (commit above); I think the problem otherwise is that by specifying a ServiceName (which historically did nothing), it now tries to connect through the sentinel to the actual redis server, which isn't what you're expecting - and it is borking the command-map in the process.

If you explicitly want to connect to sentinel: SentinelConnect may be what you want. If you're trying to connect via sentinel, then SentinelMasterConnect ?

thangnn91 commented 3 years ago

agree it shouldn't need AllowAdmin - that's fixed (commit above); I think the problem otherwise is that by specifying a ServiceName (which historically did nothing), it now tries to connect through the sentinel to the actual redis server, which isn't what you're expecting - and it is borking the command-map in the process.

If you explicitly want to connect to sentinel: SentinelConnect may be what you want. If you're trying to connect via sentinel, then SentinelMasterConnect ?

Thanks for replying, maybe my source code was used to connect to sentinel is in old nuget version I have just changed: ConnectionMultiplexer sentinelConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.SentinelConnect(sentinelConfig, Console.Out); also I configured sentinelConfig.AllowAdmin = true; masterConfig.AllowAdmin = true; and my project work fine

NickCraver commented 3 years ago

Glad you're all going! Closing out since the ROLE issue was fixed in 6409b9d1f2afd01a7eab9498a525360d1ca2b752