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Correct threading model used by wmi calls #13

Closed stevenh closed 8 years ago

stevenh commented 8 years ago

WbemScripting is apartment threaded according to its registry entries so switch multi-threaded OLE to apartment threaded enabling the global lock to be removed.

Correct missing CoUninitialize call when CoInitializeEx returns S_FALSE as documented here:


ahall commented 8 years ago

I am using this in production now along with the Enum changes. Who can we get to merge these pull requests? Pretty messy having to apply them manually. Is @mjibson no longer maintaining this? :).

maddyblue commented 8 years ago

I'm not maintaining this anymore. @gbrayut may be, or may know who should look at these PRs.

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

I staged these at and will do some testing before merging to master

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

Holding off on merging... appears to be a memory leak. See

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

Merged in but we kept the lock and ole.CoInitializeEx(0, ole.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) as ole.CoInitializeEx(0, ole.COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) caused a memory leak

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

Hmm... still seeing a memory leak, although much slower than the apartment threaded one:


I am going to try reverting the ole.CoUninitialize() logic back into an else block. We may not be initializing things correctly (this says it is only needed once per thread and SHOULD have matching calls to CoUninitialize) but I'm not sure how to do that when the method is called by many go routines.

We didn't see any issues with the old logic, and the nil check would remain to fix the potential panic reported on the multiplay repo.

stevenh commented 8 years ago

Hmm that does sound very broken upstream as the MS docs do explicitly state, as you know:

To close the COM library gracefully on a thread, each successful call to CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, including any call that returns S_FALSE, must be balanced by a corresponding call to CoUninitialize.

With regards to balancing the calls that's not something you need to worry about as its uninitialized before the method returns by the defer so the calls are explicitly balanced and as the thread is locked for the duration that thread cant be used by any other executing goroutine for the duration.

Do you have a small re-production case you could share?

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

The code base is and is an example of a collector that gets run every 15s. There are other collectors also creating WMI queries using 90-100 total go routines.

I suspect would have the same issue if it is run in a go benchmark, but I'm on day two of what I though would be a quick merge so I don't have time to test that.

So far testing with the old CoUninitialize code looks better, but I'll need to let it run for a few more hours to confirm:


gbrayut commented 8 years ago

I think I found it. It wasn't this PR, it was the Use _NewEnum one which was missing a call to Release().

We will leave the new ole.CoUninitialize() code in, as testing that by itself did not cause any issues.

stevenh commented 8 years ago

Cool thanks for the update @gbrayut that would explain why we never saw an issue in our production environment either.

If adding that missing Release() does indeed fix it adding back in the switch to apartment threading would also be good to see :)

gbrayut commented 8 years ago

I let it run overnight with apartment threading and it looks slightly higher but no leak. I'll merge that in to master shortly

