StackStorm / chef-stackstorm

DEPRECATED! Community-maintained Chef Cookbook to deploy StackStorm, IFTTT for Ops
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Chef License acceptance prompt failing CI build #72

Closed arm4b closed 5 years ago

arm4b commented 5 years ago

Fixes Travis build failing to run due to Chef license prompt.

            Chef License Acceptance

       Before you can continue, 2 product licenses
       must be accepted. View the license at

       Licenses that need accepting:
         * Chef Infra Client
         * Chef InSpec

       Do you accept the 2 product licenses (yes/no)?

       > Prompt timed out. Use non-interactive flags or enter an answer within 60 seconds.

       If you do not accept this license you will
       not be able to use Chef products.

       Do you accept the 2 product licenses (yes/no)?

       > Prompt timed out. Use non-interactive flags or enter an answer within 60 seconds.
       Chef Infra Client cannot execute without accepting the license
