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v3.8.0 release tracker #110

Closed nzlosh closed 1 year ago

nzlosh commented 1 year ago

Pre-Release PR Reviews

@nzlosh has reviewed all issues in the v3.8 kanban board.

The following packages have been selected as release candidates for v3.8

Pre-release testing

steps 4 and 5: create and e2e test the staging-stable packages

step 6 staging-stable testing

Major changes as detailed in next section...

If you have successful test results, please post a summary of what all you tested (OSes, what features you tested).

If you run into any bugs, please open them in the respective repositories and link to this issue from there. I will add them to the list at the bottom of this description.

If you have any issues running StackStorm or running the tests, please post down below.

step 7 stable testing

step 8 tag releases

step 9 update st2cd and st2ci packs

step 10 create gtihub release of st2 repository

step 11 make sure new dev builds succeed

step 12 Check PackageCloud for new packages in unstable channel

step 13 Prep development version on master branch of st2-dockerfiles

step 14 Ensure that the AWS instances EC2 instances are all stopped:

step 15 Delete the datastore keys

step 16 Update the version numbers in steps 3, 12, and 13 for the next release manager

blog article

Close v3.8.0

Major changes





        type: bool
        type: str

should be updated like this:

      type: object
          type: bool
          type: str
      additionalProperties: false


Contributed by @cognifloyd











Please report findings here and bugs/regressions in respective repositories.

Depending on severity and importance bugs might be fixed before the release or postponed to the next release if they're very minor and not a release blocker.

Issues Found During Release


arm4b commented 1 year ago

For someone willing to help with the pre-release testing, use this to install the latest 3.8dev branch on a new VM:

bash <(curl -sSL --user=st2admin --password=Ch@ngeMe --staging --unstable

Try out features and changes that landed in this version (the first message ^^) for any regressions or issues. Please let us know how it goes.

amanda11 commented 1 year ago

@nzlosh Performed some upgrade testing on Rocky8 from 3.7->3.8. New 3.7 installation with a few pack installs, aliases, and slack st2chatops connectivity. Upgrade went through successfully. After upgrade did some st2web testing on 3.8 on EL8 and all good.

amanda11 commented 1 year ago

@nzlosh Performed some upgrade testing on Centos7 from 3.7->3.8. Prior to upgrade had a workflow that had the old style output schema with a secret. After upgrade (without changing the schema), checked that running workflow that the secret was still masked - and it was, but other validation didn't work (as expected as still using old style schema). Updated pack to use new style schema - and validation succeeded. After upgrade did some testing with st2web on 3.7, mainly auto-save on the workflow composer. No issues found.

cognifloyd commented 1 year ago

We can drop "Removed skills-validator for hubot." from the list of major features.

We have to remove that every time we regenerate npm-shrinkwrap.json. I don't know why npm keeps adding it, but it breaks CI.

nzlosh commented 1 year ago

Sure, it was questioned earlier today too.

arm4b commented 1 year ago

FYI the packages were promoted by the Release Team (@nzlosh @rush-skills) from staging-unstable -> staging-stable. If someone willing to take a final check before the packages will go to production, here is the one-line install:

bash <(curl -sSL --staging --stable --user=st2admin --password=Ch@ngeMe