StackStorm / st2

StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 integration packs with 6000+ actions (see and ChatOps. Installer at
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Workflow failing "silently" without describing problem #3252

Closed Mierdin closed 4 years ago

Mierdin commented 7 years ago

I am troubleshooting one of the CD workflows, and currently it's in this state:

mierdin@stackstorm:/opt/stackstorm/packs/st2cd/actions$ cat workflows/st2_prep_release_rules.yaml
version: '2.0'
    description: Prepare st2cd and st2ci rules for next release.
        - version
        - prev_version
        - oses
        #- host
        #- cwd

        local_repo_sfx: null

            - cleanup_on_failure: <% $.local_repo_sfx != null %>

            action: core.local
                cmd: "echo `date +'%s'`_`awk -v min=100 -v max=999 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}'`"
                local_repo_sfx: <% task(init).result.stdout %>
                - get_host

            action: linux.dig
                rand: true
                count: 1
                host: <% task(get_host).result.result[0] %>
                - prep_ci_rules

            action: core.local
                cmd: <% 'echo ' + $.host %>

        #    on-complete:
        #        - prep_ci_rules
            action: st2cd.st2_prep_release_ci_rules
                project: st2ci
                fork: <% $.fork %>
                version: 2.2.0
                prev_version: 2.2.1
                #local_repo: <% 'st2ci' + $.local_repo_sfx %>
                hosts: <% $.host %>
                - testdebug
        #    action: st2cd.st2_prep_release_cd_rules
        #    input:
        #        project: st2cd
        #        fork: <% $.fork %>
        #        version: <% $.version %>
        #        prev_version: <% $.prev_version %>
        #        oses: <% $.oses %>
        #        local_repo: <% 'st2cd' + $.local_repo_sfx %>
        #        hosts: <% $.host %>
        #        cwd: <% $.cwd %>

            action: core.remote
                cmd: <% 'rm -rf ' + $.cwd + '/st2*' + $.local_repo_sfx %>
                hosts: <% $.host %>
                - fail

When I run this, I get some strange behavior. Only the first two tasks run - both successfully. Yet, the workflow exits after those two and reports a failure.

mierdin@stackstorm:/opt/stackstorm/packs/st2cd/actions$ st2 run st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules version=2.2.0 prev_version=2.1.1
id: 58b3744602ebd5115429157d
action.ref: st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules
  prev_version: 2.1.1
  version: 2.2.0
status: failed
start_timestamp: 2017-02-27T00:35:18.604695Z
end_timestamp: 2017-02-27T00:35:20.879048Z
| id                       | status                 | task     | action     | start_timestamp               |
| 58b3744702ebd51154291580 | succeeded (0s elapsed) | init     | core.local | Mon, 27 Feb 2017 00:35:19 UTC |
| 58b3744702ebd51154291582 | succeeded (1s elapsed) | get_host | linux.dig  | Mon, 27 Feb 2017 00:35:19 UTC |
mierdin@stackstorm:/opt/stackstorm/packs/st2cd/actions$ st2 execution get 58b3744702ebd51154291582
id: 58b3744702ebd51154291582
status: succeeded (1s elapsed)
  count: 1
  rand: true
  exit_code: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

I suspected mistral could tell me more, so I looked at the latest execution:

mierdin@stackstorm:/opt/stackstorm/packs/st2cd/actions$ mistral execution-list
| ID                                   | Workflow ID                          | Workflow name                | Description | Task Execution ID | State   | State info                   | Created at          | Updated at          |
| fb344a1d-ed21-4951-9170-7fd9f87910d1 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to handle action c... | 2017-02-26 22:02:53 | 2017-02-26 22:02:54 |
| aa3454a8-bae2-439b-8f52-8751e9a845c8 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to handle action c... | 2017-02-26 22:06:56 | 2017-02-26 22:06:58 |
| 7d3078cb-f0ea-46a0-8ce4-a0663de50b92 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:36:21 | 2017-02-26 22:36:23 |
| 788197fd-0eb7-4a69-b1ea-7b239a0ca63c | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:39:26 | 2017-02-26 22:39:26 |
| 1a2a9d7b-7407-415e-aab3-e65fc1bd5128 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:45:36 | 2017-02-26 22:45:36 |
| 0b15258c-3270-4e33-8a63-dcbaf9869c9b | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:48:45 | 2017-02-26 22:48:45 |
| f45b8fca-fd9a-45ee-a800-b44511c9ef31 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:49:47 | 2017-02-26 22:49:47 |
| 9758f7fd-a992-41eb-924a-5607aa3dd510 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to handle action c... | 2017-02-26 22:55:18 | 2017-02-26 22:55:20 |
| 02e0b85e-c4f5-4639-8cf2-b753000e3eb1 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:56:05 | 2017-02-26 22:56:06 |
| 512de26b-4b15-4ed2-b947-edf0fbf2f098 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:57:25 | 2017-02-26 22:57:25 |
| 4ba7bc3e-6e85-48d6-8d10-00bbff773ee4 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:58:02 | 2017-02-26 22:58:04 |
| a34519ec-5e44-4fca-9253-dbd10a1d1cd4 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:58:40 | 2017-02-26 22:58:40 |
| ed09a4f5-228f-455c-9ec4-cb592a01885c | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:59:23 | 2017-02-26 22:59:23 |
| 71cdba45-0532-4c57-8619-2d051039e717 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 22:59:51 | 2017-02-26 22:59:51 |
| 0d36a743-62f0-442d-884c-966a08dfe205 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:00:36 | 2017-02-26 23:00:38 |
| a433d742-23b9-4fb3-8bcf-c47990e795d7 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:01:27 | 2017-02-26 23:01:28 |
| f1401f1c-5e8b-4b5f-a612-f0f383cdb522 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:49:28 | 2017-02-26 23:49:28 |
| 83b86779-9659-4feb-b76a-369feed7a2e5 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:51:29 | 2017-02-26 23:51:29 |
| fb21402f-39a1-4954-8fe0-1f42f720521f | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:53:01 | 2017-02-26 23:53:03 |
| d49294d2-5d1c-4c80-b986-e84c737257be | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | SUCCESS | None                         | 2017-02-26 23:56:04 | 2017-02-26 23:56:06 |
| 35829183-340e-4a5b-80a3-54e4c0d2a192 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-26 23:56:59 | 2017-02-26 23:56:59 |
| 18169d64-7ac5-41e6-bf02-dd5389229a8e | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | SUCCESS | None                         | 2017-02-26 23:58:17 | 2017-02-26 23:58:19 |
| 0b6e4a62-020f-47bb-91e8-8113e3d8e172 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | SUCCESS | None                         | 2017-02-26 23:59:18 | 2017-02-26 23:59:20 |
| df3f9ac9-326b-4508-9ba9-4bddcdff4434 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:00:25 | 2017-02-27 00:00:27 |
| a863b225-5f93-4db5-8fa0-097db6258e56 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:00:43 | 2017-02-27 00:00:44 |
| 99d71373-2ec1-497b-a0af-f127453d5fe2 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:04:12 | 2017-02-27 00:04:12 |
| c9407ebb-c6f3-4bb4-9227-89cd5eaec34f | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:06:47 | 2017-02-27 00:06:48 |
| ee2a3e65-be38-4b7d-9e5c-06749f9b7dc5 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | SUCCESS | None                         | 2017-02-27 00:07:38 | 2017-02-27 00:07:40 |
| 4669b198-5efd-445e-9470-7e86bdb7c246 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:09:17 | 2017-02-27 00:09:17 |
| 9fb99437-9257-4f1a-9961-3853c6feb1dd | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:10:04 | 2017-02-27 00:10:04 |
| ff175494-fbb2-4bbd-a25d-fb96610a8a9c | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failure caused by error i... | 2017-02-27 00:10:52 | 2017-02-27 00:10:56 |
| ee872c5f-ddfd-445f-80fd-6e4bf1c4a6ff | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:12:23 | 2017-02-27 00:12:23 |
| 01023683-cef6-4e92-b4bf-718e4b5e40aa | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:14:06 | 2017-02-27 00:14:06 |
| 808a2591-3197-45c8-a05b-bb52ec98389b | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | SUCCESS | None                         | 2017-02-27 00:15:13 | 2017-02-27 00:15:15 |
| 6dfec5a9-3b02-41cb-bcce-4a9afacd6aeb | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:21:53 | 2017-02-27 00:21:54 |
| 5d7dd164-f443-4b95-9739-6be523888d60 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:27:18 | 2017-02-27 00:27:20 |
| 4b2af5a1-a0c4-4cf4-8357-272f73f89aba | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:33:06 | 2017-02-27 00:34:06 |
| 6f22b372-f6c1-408d-bc75-f06321a11d54 | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules |             | <none>            | ERROR   | Failed to run task [error... | 2017-02-27 00:35:18 | 2017-02-27 00:35:20 |
mierdin@stackstorm:/opt/stackstorm/packs/st2cd/actions$ mistral execution-get 6f22b372-f6c1-408d-bc75-f06321a11d54
| Field             | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| ID                | 6f22b372-f6c1-408d-bc75-f06321a11d54                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Workflow ID       | 3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Workflow name     | st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| Description       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| Task Execution ID | <none>                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| State             | ERROR                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| State info        | Failed to run task [error=Can not evaluate YAQL expression [expression=$.fork, error=u'fork', data={}], wf=WorkflowExecution {'state_info': None, 'accepted': False, 'name': u'st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules',        |
|                   | 'workflow_name': u'st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules', 'state': u'RUNNING', 'created_at': '2017-02-27 00:35:18', 'tags': None, 'updated_at': '2017-02-27 00:35:18', 'spec': {u'version': u'2.0', u'tasks': {u'testdebug': |
|                   | {u'action': u'st2.action', u'input': {u'ref': u'core.local', u'parameters': {u'cmd': u"<% 'echo ' + $.host %>"}}, u'version': u'2.0', u'type': u'direct', u'name': u'testdebug'}, u'get_host': {u'name':             |
|                   | u'get_host', u'on-success': [u'prep_ci_rules'], u'publish': {u'host': u'<% task(get_host).result.result[0] %>'}, u'version': u'2.0', u'action': u'st2.action', u'input': {u'ref': u'linux.dig', u'parameters':       |
|                   | {u'count': 1, u'rand': True, u'hostname': u''}}, u'type': u'direct'}, u'init': {u'name': u'init', u'on-success': [u'get_host'], u'publish': {u'local_repo_sfx': u'<% task(init).result.stdout %>'},        |
|                   | u'version': u'2.0', u'action': u'st2.action', u'input': {u'ref': u'core.local', u'parameters': {u'cmd': u"echo `date +'%s'`_`awk -v min=100 -v max=999 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}'`"}},      |
|                   | u'type': u'direct'}, u'cleanup_on_failure': {u'name': u'cleanup_on_failure', u'version': u'2.0', u'action': u'st2.action', u'input': {u'ref': u'core.remote', u'parameters': {u'cmd': u"<% 'rm -rf ' + $.cwd +       |
|                   | '/st2*' + $.local_repo_sfx %>", u'hosts': u'<% $.host %>'}}, u'on-complete': [u'fail'], u'type': u'direct'}, u'prep_ci_rules': {u'name': u'prep_ci_rules', u'on-success': [u'testdebug'], u'version': u'2.0',        |
|                   | u'action': u'st2.action', u'input': {u'ref': u'st2cd.st2_prep_release_ci_rules', u'parameters': {u'fork': u'<% $.fork %>', u'project': u'st2ci', u'prev_version': u'2.2.1', u'version': u'2.2.0', u'hosts': u'<%     |
|                   | $.host %>'}}, u'type': u'direct'}}, u'name': u'st2cd.st2_prep_release_rules', u'vars': {u'local_repo_sfx': None}, u'input': [u'version', u'prev_version', u'oses'], u'task-defaults': {u'on-error':                  |
|                   | [{u'cleanup_on_failure': u'<% $.local_repo_sfx != null %>'}]}, u'description': u'Prepare st2cd and st2ci rules for next release.'}, 'workflow_id': u'3efc2c69-ba6c-405e-bbd9-56a0e9f814ea', 'params': {u'env':       |
|                   | {u'st2_liveaction_id': u'58b3744602ebd5115429157c', u'st2_execution_id': u'58b3744602ebd5115429157d', u'__actions': {u'st2.action': {u'st2_context': {u'endpoint': u'',       |
|                   | u'api_url': u'', u'parent': {u'user': u'stanley', u'execution_id': u'58b3744602ebd5115429157d'}, u'auth_token': u'fa5c2a60d3b345cfa1c330a98797a7d4', u'skip_notify_tasks': [], u'notify':      |
|                   | {}}}}, u'st2_action_api_url': u''}}, 'context': {u'local_repo_sfx': None, u'__env': {u'st2_liveaction_id': u'58b3744602ebd5115429157c', u'st2_execution_id': u'58b3744602ebd5115429157d',      |
|                   | u'__actions': {u'st2.action': {u'st2_context': {u'endpoint': u'', u'api_url': u'', u'parent': {u'user': u'stanley', u'execution_id':                    |
|                   | u'58b3744602ebd5115429157d'}, u'auth_token': u'fa5c2a60d3b345cfa1c330a98797a7d4', u'notify': {}, u'skip_notify_tasks': []}}}, u'st2_action_api_url': u''}, u'__execution': {u'id':             |
|                   | u'6f22b372-f6c1-408d-bc75-f06321a11d54'}}, 'input': {u'oses': u'rhel6 rhel7 u14 u16', u'version': u'2.2.0', u'prev_version': u'2.1.1'}, 'scope': u'private', 'project_id': u'<default-project>',                     |
|                   | 'task_execution_id': None, 'id': u'6f22b372-f6c1-408d-bc75-f06321a11d54', 'runtime_context': {u'index': 0}, 'description': u''}, task=prep_ci_rules]:                                                                |
|                   | Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                                   |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/engine/", line 58, in run_task                                                                                              |
|                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/", line 153, in wrapper                                                                                                      |
|                   |     return f(*args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                                        |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/engine/", line 269, in run                                                                                                         |
|                   |     self._run_new()                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/", line 153, in wrapper                                                                                                      |
|                   |     return f(*args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                                        |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/engine/", line 293, in _run_new                                                                                                    |
|                   |     self._schedule_actions()                                                                                                                                                                                         |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/engine/", line 341, in _schedule_actions                                                                                           |
|                   |     input_dict = self._get_action_input()                                                                                                                                                                            |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/", line 153, in wrapper                                                                                                      |
|                   |     return f(*args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                                        |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/engine/", line 380, in _get_action_input                                                                                           |
|                   |     ctx_view                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 96, in evaluate_recursively                                                                                 |
|                   |     data[key] = _evaluate_item(data[key], context)                                                                                                                                                                   |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 85, in _evaluate_item                                                                                       |
|                   |     return evaluate_recursively(item, context)                                                                                                                                                                       |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 96, in evaluate_recursively                                                                                 |
|                   |     data[key] = _evaluate_item(data[key], context)                                                                                                                                                                   |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 79, in _evaluate_item                                                                                       |
|                   |     return evaluate(item, context)                                                                                                                                                                                   |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 71, in evaluate                                                                                             |
|                   |     return evaluator.evaluate(expression, context)                                                                                                                                                                   |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 110, in evaluate                                                                                     |
|                   |     cls).evaluate(trim_expr, data_context)                                                                                                                                                                           |
|                   |   File "/opt/stackstorm/mistral/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistral/expressions/", line 61, in evaluate                                                                                      |
|                   |     ", data=%s]" % (expression, str(e), data_context)                                                                                                                                                                |
|                   | YaqlEvaluationException: Can not evaluate YAQL expression [expression=$.fork, error=u'fork', data={}]                                                                                                                |
|                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| Created at        | 2017-02-27 00:35:18                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Updated at        | 2017-02-27 00:35:20                                                                                                                                                                                                  |

I then noticed the fork argument isn't defined in st2cd.st2_prep_release_ci_rules. However, I have two concerns:

Mierdin commented 7 years ago

This may be related to

arm4b commented 4 years ago

Closing as part of the Mistral Deprecation game plan in st2 v3.3.0.