EL8 st2docs tests are failing because of missing jq
not ok 19 can run packs.setup_virtualenv for a pack downloaded in previous step # setup: 0s, test: 9s, teardown: 0s
# (from function `assert_success' in file docs/../test_helpers/bats-assert/src/assert.bash, line 114,
# in test file docs/test_integration_packs_doc.bats, line 76)
# `assert_success' failed with status 127
# -- command failed --
# status : 127
# output (3 lines):
# /usr/local/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test: line 62: jq: command not found
# Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
# BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
# --
EL8 st2docs tests are failing because of missing