StackStorm / st2web

StackStorm Web UI
Apache License 2.0
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Dependency Dashboard #907

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties Unavailable
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread Unavailable
npm @babel/polyfill Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm node-uuid Unavailable
npm noty Unavailable
npm request Unavailable


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These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

.circleci/config.yml - `ruby 2.7`
Dockerfile - `node 20.8.1`
Dockerfile-dev - `node 20.8.1`
Dockerfile-nginx - `node 20.8.1`
Dockerfile-nginx-dev - `node 20.8.1`
apps/st2-actions/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2` - `redux ^4.0.1`
apps/st2-code/package.json - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-history/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-inquiry/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-packs/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-rules/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-triggers/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2`
apps/st2-workflows/package.json - `@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator ^7.4.0` - `@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types ^7.4.0` - `babel-eslint ^10.0.1` - `classnames ^2.2.5` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^3.5.1` - `eventemitter3 ^3.1.0` - `gulp-uglify-es ^1.0.4` - `insert-css ^2.0.0` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `moment ^2.29.4` - `prop-types ^15.6.0` - `react ^16.8.4` - `react-dom ^16.8.4` - `react-hotkeys ^1.1.4` - `react-redux ^6.0.1` - `react-router-dom ^5.0.0` - `redux ^4.0.1` - `urijs ^1.19.11` - `@babel/core 7.4.3` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.4.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators 7.4.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.4.3` - `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime 7.4.3` - `@babel/polyfill 7.4.3` - `@babel/preset-env 7.4.3` - `@babel/preset-react 7.0.0` - `@babel/register 7.4.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify ^10.0.0` - `browserify ^16.2.3` - `chai ^4.1.2` - `eslint ^5.16.0` - `eslint-plugin-notice 0.7.8` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.12.4` - `flow-bin ^0.96.0` - `ignore-styles ^5.0.1` - `lerna ^3.4.3` - `less ^3.9.0` - `postcss ^8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0` - `request ^2.69.0` - `sinon ^7.3.1` - `sinon-chai ^3.3.0` - `zombie ^6.1.4`
modules/st2-action-reporter/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `chai ^4.2.0`
modules/st2-api/package.json - `axios ^0.21.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `moxios ^0.4.0` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai ^4.2.0`
modules/st2-auto-form/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-textarea-autosize 7.1.2` - `validator ^13.0.0` - `chai 4.2.0` - `sinon 7.3.2` - `sinon-chai ^3.3.0`
modules/st2-criteria/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-filter-expandable/package.json - `lodash 4.17.21` - `chai ^4.2.0`
modules/st2-filter/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-flex-table/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `sinon 7.3.2`
modules/st2-flow-link/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6`
modules/st2-forms/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6`
modules/st2-highlight/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `prismjs ^1.27.0` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-label/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-login/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-menu/package.json - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6`
modules/st2-notification/package.json - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `noty ^3.1.4`
modules/st2-pack-icon/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `moxios ^0.4.0`
modules/st2-panel/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6`
modules/st2-popup/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-portion-bar/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-proportional/package.json - `lodash 4.17.21` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `sinon 7.3.2`
modules/st2-remote-form/package.json - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6`
modules/st2-router/package.json - `history ^4.9.0` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2` - `react-router ^5.0.0` - `react-router-dom ^5.0.0`
modules/st2-scroll-into-view/package.json - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-select-on-click/package.json - `chai 4.2.0` - `sinon 7.3.2`
modules/st2-store/package.json - `react 16.8.6` - `redux 4.0.1` - `react-dom 16.8.6`
modules/st2-style/package.json - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `normalize.css 8.0.1` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2-test-utils/package.json - `react 16.8.6` - `react-test-renderer 16.8.6`
modules/st2-time/package.json - `react-time 4.3.0` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-title/package.json - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-value-format/package.json - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2-view/package.json - `classnames 2.2.6` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `chai 4.2.0`
modules/st2flow-canvas/package.json - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `react-hotkeys ^1.1.4` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-color-mod-function ^3.0.3` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2flow-details/package.json - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2flow-editor/package.json - `brace 0.11.1` - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2flow-header/package.json - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2flow-model/package.json - `ajv ^6.5.4` - `dagre 0.8.4` - `deep-diff ^1.0.2` - `eventemitter3 ^3.1.0` - `babelify ^10.0.0` - `chai-subset ^1.6.0` - `js-yaml ^3.12.0`
modules/st2flow-palette/package.json - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `postcss-import 12.0.1` - `postcss-nested 4.1.2` - `postcss-preset-env 6.6.0`
modules/st2flow-perf/package.json - `debug ^4.0.1` - `babelify ^10.0.0`
modules/st2flow-yaml/package.json - `yaml-ast-parser 0.0.43` - `babelify ^10.0.0`
package.json - `acorn ^6.4.1` - `axios ^0.24.0` - `elliptic ^6.5.4` - `glob-parent ^6.0.2` - `js-yaml ^3.13.1` - `kind-of ^6.0.3` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `minimatch ^3.0.4` - `mixin-deep ^1.3.2` - `moment 2.29.4` - `node 20.8.1` - `node-uuid ^1.4.8` - `open ^8.4.0` - `qs ^6.10.2` - `react 16.8.6` - `react-dom 16.8.6` - `react-redux 7.0.2` - `redux ^4.0.1` - `set-value ^4.1.0` - `tar ^6.1.11` - `trim-newlines ^4.0.2` - `urijs ^1.19.11` - `websocket-extensions ^0.1.4` - `babel-eslint 10.0.1` - `chai 4.2.0` - `eslint ^6.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^3.5.1` - `eslint-plugin-notice 0.7.8` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.12.4` - `gulp 4.0.1` - `ignore-styles 5.0.1` - `insert-css 2.0.0` - `zombie 5.0.8` - `node 20.8.1` - `npm 10.1.0` - `open ^8.4.0`
tasks/package.json - `@babel/core 7.4.3` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.4.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators 7.4.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.4.3` - `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime 7.4.3` - `@babel/polyfill 7.4.3` - `@babel/preset-env 7.4.3` - `@babel/preset-react 7.0.0` - `@babel/register 7.4.0` - `@stackstorm/browserify-postcss 0.3.4-patch.5` - `babel-eslint 10.0.1` - `babelify 10.0.0` - `browserify 16.2.3` - `cached-path-relative 1.0.2` - `chalk 2.4.2` - `css-extract 1.3.1` - `event-stream 4.0.1` - `fancy-log 1.3.3` - `fontello-update 0.6.5` - `git-rev-sync 1.12.0` - `gulp 4.0.1` - `gulp-concat 2.6.1` - `gulp-csscomb 3.0.8` - `gulp-env 0.4.0` - `gulp-eslint 5.0.0` - `gulp-header 2.0.7` - `gulp-load-plugins 1.5.0` - `gulp-mocha 6.0.0` - `gulp-plumber 1.2.1` - `gulp-rename 1.4.0` - `gulp-size 3.0.0` - `gulp-sourcemaps 2.6.5` - `gulp-uglify-es 1.0.4` - `gulp-webserver 0.9.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `mocha 6.1.4` - `pathmodify 0.5.0` - `require-dir 1.2.0` - `undertaker-forward-reference 1.0.2` - `vinyl-buffer 1.0.1` - `vinyl-source-stream 2.0.0` - `watchify 3.11.1` - `yargs 13.2.2`