Stamped-io / Magento-v2.x

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Environment Emulation conflicts with other extensions #9

Open verus-agency opened 3 years ago

verus-agency commented 3 years ago

We were having issues with checkout in our Magento CE 2.3.3-p1 build.

  1. Checkout with Affirm: Orders were created in Affirm, but not Magento. Affirm Documentation
  2. Checkout with Zonos: International orders were created in Zonos, but not Magento. Zonos International Checkout: How It Works

Both of these payment methods "leave" Magento to process the order and then "return" to Magento to create the order. After much tracing, we identified the Stamped extension to be the cause of the issue. We updated Stamped/Core/Helper/Data.php to comment out the following lines. // $this->_appEmulation->startEnvironmentEmulation($order->getStoredId(), \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND, true); // $this->_appEmulation->stopEnvironmentEmulation();

Are these lines necessary? If they are, is there a way you can make sure they do not conflict with checkout payment methods?