StampyAI / stampy-chat

Conversational chatbot to answer questions about AI Safety & Alignment based on information retrieved from the Alignment Research Dataset
MIT License
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Allow chat items to be deleted #120

Closed mruwnik closed 8 months ago

mruwnik commented 8 months ago

I was uncertain whether to just delete any removed history items and totally forget about them, or to just soft delete them. The hard delete is nice in that it's a lot simpler, but has the downside that it would totally mess up the history which gets logged to the database. I considered having a proper changelog type thingy, which would allow one to recreate the whole session, but decided against it as it would get very complicated. On the other hand, the current logging implementation adds a number saying which interaction this is, based on the history length. An alternative to this would be to always query the database before writing, to get the number of interactions in this session. I went with a soft delete, as that can be used later on to make an interactive session viewer, which is something I wanted to do anyway, to play about with seeing how different prompts and settings effect things.
