StampyAI / stampy-chat

Conversational chatbot to answer questions about AI Safety & Alignment based on information retrieved from the Alignment Research Dataset
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Conduct UI/UX research for frontend #9

Open ccstan99 opened 1 year ago

ccstan99 commented 1 year ago

Provide a web app which calls backend API with streaming answers and hosted at, and possibly elsewhere.

ccstan99 commented 1 year ago

Based on some initial discussion, here are some suggestions:

FraserLee commented 1 year ago

Provide option to create shareable public link to chat transcript

Does have a DB we can write to? Since we're moving towards folding stampy-chat into the existing stack, this could be a great place to start integrating things.

ccstan99 commented 1 year ago

Sample Figma file as a basis for discussion & brainstorm with ideas from from Bard and Bing.

ccstan99 commented 1 year ago

From McGill Team's Plan:

Better frontend messaging: note to user not to send private information into the query, more stuff that is relevant to a layperson. Some stuff mentioned are a bigger search button but many small things like that can be improved.

FraserLee commented 12 months ago

quick note: I think we should still have colour on the citations. It makes it quicker to reference between the body and the footnotes. It's a lot easier to tell when one paragraph is primarily attributed to one or two sources, then the second to a third or fourth, etc. Also the fact that we're concretely anchoring information back to sources is a big part of what makes us novel, better than just a pretty face and a two paragraph prompt - imo it's good if that stands out.

From discussion in the meeting it sounded to me like the main problem was with the prominence of the colours and the lack of a singular palette (the pastel rainbow is a bit much). If I am reading this right, I would suggest changing the colours to instead be shades - or closely varying in a range that fits the visual theme - instead of dropping them outright.

Does that sound like an alright move?

ccstan99 commented 12 months ago

From the initial feedback and looking at other websites & applications using citations, varying colors is just not something that's normally done and felt somewhat gimmicky. Personally, I think the idea has interesting potential. Since we're still in early prototype mode, I'm certainly open to picking ~9 colors that are more complementary to the new theme to see how users respond.