StampyAI / stampy-ui

AI Safety Q&A web frontend
MIT License
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Unbranded version for embedding via iframe #307

Closed Aprillion closed 10 months ago

Aprillion commented 10 months ago

Make a version of the UI for other websites (specifically, to embed the stampy search bar from as an <iframe>.

Include most features but without header, footer, and the homepage default list: search bar + results + "something else" button and modal + display answer in the iframe (assuming hosting site can implement dynamic height resizing). Option to link to answer pages instead of showing directly in iframe is nice to have.

Make an example HTML page with <iframe>, for copy&pasting to tools that support HTML but not npm packages, like Soft (used for

Aprillion commented 10 months ago
Aprillion commented 10 months ago

In #313, we figured out a way to set dynamic height of the iframe by sending window.parent.postMessage from the embedded page and updated to demonstrate how to do it on parent page.