Open zixuanfe opened 4 years ago
Did you try the latest git master ?
yes, The current version is master
root@debian:/opt/scirius# ls
accounts git-sources npm postcss.config.js rules tests
db.sqlite3 hunt package.json README.rst scirius static viz
doc LICENSE node_modules package-lock.json requirements.txt scss suricata webpack.config.js
root@debian:/opt/scirius# git branch
* master
root@debian:/opt/scirius# pip list |grep django-ipware
django-ipware 3.0.0
That's how I changed it: accounts/
from ipware.ip import get_client_ip as get_real_ip
then; python migrate and there was no error
you can try it ,Thank you for your reply
django-ipware the laster version module : get_real_ip not exist ; now is get_client_ip;
from ipware.ip import get_real_ip --- from ipware.ip import get_client_ip +++
please update requirements.txt or accounts/ ,thans