StanAngeloff / compass-magick

Dynamic image generation for Compass using ChunkyPNG/PhantomJS.
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Magick::NotAllowed error #4

Closed lmartins closed 13 years ago

lmartins commented 13 years ago


I've just upgraded to new "native extension" version. While compiling in a project i only call Magick once, the image gets generated but i also do get the following message:

identical css/main.css Compass::Magick::NotAllowed on line 29 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/compass-magick-0.1.2/lib/magick/command.rb: Compass::Magick::Command cannot be used outside of a Compass::Magick::Canvas object Run with --trace to see the full backtrace

It seems to related to the older syntax but i've removed the old code. Is there anything else which can trigger this message?

Cheers, Luís Martins

StanAngeloff commented 13 years ago

Can you paste the code (entire file if poss) as well please?

lmartins commented 13 years ago

The strage thing is that i get the same error message while not using any Magick function.

The code i was using was: background: transparent magick-sprite('button-bg.png', magick-canvas(18px, 38px, magick-fill(magick-linear-gradient(adjust-lightness($bc_accent, 3%), adjust-lightness($bc_accent, -8%)))))

StanAngeloff commented 13 years ago

I've reviewed the code and the only place this exception is raised is when a magick-command* is used outside of magick-canvas. Check and make sure there isn't a second stylesheet in the same directory that may be causing the issue. There is no reason why this will appear if you don't have any magick-* commands at all.