StanHash / FOMT-DOC

Harvest Moon MFoMT(U) reverse engineering notes
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Colaboration invite #1

Open andrey-moura opened 3 years ago

andrey-moura commented 3 years ago


I'm the developer of HM Studio. I made some reverse-engineering to find items images by the item index, and some other cool stuffs, to add features to this tool. But I'm very interested in your work. What do you think of we work together?

I will take a day to read everything from the docs, but there are some things I wish to understand to add to my program! Looks like you're very better than me!

StanHash commented 3 years ago


I'm glad you find my work to be of interest. I would be happy to help you with any research or otherwise you need for your project!

However it has been a short while since I last looked at the Harvest Moon games and I would probably need to take the time to dig up and dust off my things before I can be of much use '=)

If you need a more convenient way of contacting me, I'm available on Discord if you're using that (I'm nat5#4387).