$48/9 = dividend
$4a = divisor
$4b = result
$4a probably also holds the remainder, not checked
/ C399 4A / lsr A
/ C39A 4A / lsr A
/ C39B 4A / lsr A
/ C39C 4A / lsr A
/ C39D 4A / lsr A
/ C39E 60 / rts
/ C39F 0A / asl A
/ C3A0 0A / asl A
/ C3A1 0A / asl A
/ C3A2 0A / asl A
/ C3A3 0A / asl A
/ C3A4 60 / rts
Probably will make more sense if you call these
Lsr5 -> Div32
Lsr4 -> Div16
Lsr3 -> Div8
Asl5 -> Mul32
Asl4 -> Mul16
Asl3 -> Mul8
although Lsr4 and Asl4 will have other uses for shifting "nybbles" or lsr4 is "getHigh"
/ CBC5 20 D4 CD / jsr FUNC_CDD4 ; doCritHitChecks
FightRand_perhaps: ; No this is getRandomPercentage
/ CE7E 20 4E C0 / jsr FUNC_C04E
sta wUnk0310 I think this is Terrain Avoid Bonus ; don't take it as 100% though
$C6C9 This is a Mul 8 x 8 with 16 result function
so $00 = in A $01 = in B $02/3 = A*B
$C6EB This is a Div 16 x 8 with 8 result
so $48/9 = dividend $4a = divisor $4b = result $4a probably also holds the remainder, not checked
/ CBC5 20 D4 CD / jsr FUNC_CDD4 ; doCritHitChecks
FightRand_perhaps: ; No this is getRandomPercentage / CE7E 20 4E C0 / jsr FUNC_C04E
sta wUnk0310 I think this is Terrain Avoid Bonus ; don't take it as 100% though