StandOutstar / Pytest_Allure_Airtest_Demo

Sample for Automated UI Test of Apps
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It's not possible test (help please) #7

Open Skisperd opened 3 years ago

Skisperd commented 3 years ago

ImportError while loading conftest 'D:_Automation_Projects_automation\Automation_Poco_Pytest\Automation_runner\cases\'. ..\ in ST.PROJECT_ROOT = os.environ['PROJECT_ROOT'] C:\Users\tf.dias\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\ in getitem raise KeyError(key) from None E KeyError: 'PROJECT_ROOT'

Process finished with exit code 4

Empty suite

StandOutstar commented 3 years ago

You should set this PROJECT_ROOT environment variables before use it. In this sample, it was set in export PROJECT_SPACE_ROOT=$(pwd).