StandardCyborg / StandardCyborgCocoa

Everything you need for 3D scanning on iOS
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Bundle Issue #26

Closed martintseng closed 1 year ago

martintseng commented 1 year ago

This code will return nil when I put the app in TestFlight:

public static let scuiResourcesBundle:Bundle = Bundle(url: scuiBundle.resourceURL!.appendingPathComponent("StandardCyborgUI.bundle"))!

When I print this bundle out in the simulator, I get this:

NSBundle </var/containers/Bundle/Application/4576AD66-E98E-45A4-8BEC-04C96CB819DC/Capture> (not yet loaded)

From what I understand, when it says that it is not yet loaded, it is because the simulator can find the bundle, but not the device.

Therefore, causing the app to crash when uploaded to TestFlight.

martintseng commented 1 year ago

Found the fix. For those who are having this issue, you can do the following: 1- Go to the your project navigator 2- Click on Pods 3- Select the target: StandardCyborgUI 4- Change the Bundle Identifier from $(Product_BUNDLE_Identifier) to StandardCyborgUI