Standouthost / Multicraft

Open Source Multicraft Scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem changing working directory #3

Closed godleydemon closed 9 years ago

godleydemon commented 9 years ago

Seems to be a problem in changing the directory, and it's causing the server to not launch. Going to include a pastebin with the log and my current Prepare script and directory read out.


Directory Structure

Jmainguy commented 9 years ago

Hey godleydemon,

The jar.conf the server is launching is cauldron-server.jar.conf, which would interpret the jar being named cauldron-server.jar. So you can either rename cauldron-server.jar.conf to cauldron.jar.conf and it will work with the existing, or you can edit so it looks for cauldron-server.jar instead, line 152 in the you pasted above.

Let me know if this fixes it.

Thank you, Jon

godleydemon commented 9 years ago

still having the same issue. Went ahead and yanked out the cauldron-server.jar from the zip I had of it and threw it into the jar directory for multicraft (not the client directory). My only guess, it's failing to create the directory and copy the jar from the main jar directory for Multicraft. has remained unchanged. Only thing that has been changed is that there is now a cauldron-server.jar in the main multicraft jar directory.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated :)

Jmainguy commented 9 years ago

Yep, placing the jar there does not effect anything. the "if" statement in read's the jar name that multicraft is passing it, and multicraft determines the jar name based on the name of the jar.conf, so a godleydemon.jar.conf would be godleydemon.jar. Since you have not renamed the cauldron-server.jar.conf to cauldron.jar.conf, the issue still remains.

Edit, and change the if statement to look for cauldron-server.jar instead of cauldron.jar, and you will be in good shape.

godleydemon commented 9 years ago

Yups, that seems to have fixed it and now I feel like and idiot and I should have seen that, lol. That's what I get for working so late and getting tunnel vision on things. Now I just have to figure out why in the world my console isn't working correctly. Works for some things, but not for others :/

Could it be because it's putting the log file into the cauldron directory instead of the log directory? That would make sense, and that would mean I have some php errors here on how it grabs the log file.

godleydemon commented 9 years ago

So it seems I have a problem with my log.php file now, but that's not your issue XD. I was able to figure out why it wasn't displaying the log, but now it's not passing the command to refresh the console window anymore... -.-

Thankyou for your help bud, sometimes you just need someone to smack you in the head.

Jmainguy commented 9 years ago

Anytime, glad you are enjoying the scripts.