StanfordBDHG / ENGAGE-HF-Firebase

Firebase cloud hosting infrastructure for the ENGAGE-HF project.
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Use OpenAPI Specs for Define Models Across Platforms #20

Open PSchmiedmayer opened 2 weeks ago

PSchmiedmayer commented 2 weeks ago


We have to implement different very similar model types across different platforms.


We should explore using an OpenAPI spec to generate the main types in this repo at build time and could use the same models on iOS/Android based on a shared specification to guarantee a common data representation across systems.

Additional context

We should have a discussion and get the input from @nriedman, @Basler182, @arkadiuszbachorski if that would make the development on the mobile platforms and web frontend easier.

The web frontend could also used a shared set of TS types that would import the types from this project.

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