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ENCODE data submission: bulk RNA-seq submission for Greenleaf lab #803

Closed twang15 closed 2 years ago

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Tao,

We have a new submission for Will Greenleaf’s lab. I am cc’ing Betty who performed the experiments. This is a simple RNA-seq submission (not single cell) that should be relatively straight forward. Please review the submission sheet.

Betty, could you please organize access to your files with Tao. He is our data manager and will do the submission.

Thanks, Tao!

Best Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Tao,

My data is currently on sherlock/oak. Can I put it in a shared folder with read permission and simply give you the path to that folder?


twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Tao, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. Could you confirm the receipt of the email and that this will be taken care of?

Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Annika and Betty,

Sorry for my late reply.

Betty, a shared folder is good enough. Please set it up and let me know the folder.

Thanks, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi SRCC support team,

Betty (sunet ID: liubetty) shared me a big dataset (sunet ID: taowang9) on Sherlock. The folder path is: /scratch/users/liubetty/drugATAC_rna_fq

Could you please help grant me read access? BTW, I need to transfer this dataset to SCG, what is the best practice to achieve this?

Thanks, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Betty,

The permission has not been set up properly.

[taowang9@sh02-ln02 login ~]$ ls /scratch/users/liubetty/drugATAC_rna_fq ls: cannot access /scratch/users/liubetty/drugATAC_rna_fq: Permission denied [taowang9@sh02-ln02 login ~]$

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hey Tao,

I added execute access as well, which hopefully resolves the traversal issue.


twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Betty,

The permission looks right now. I will let you know if I need anything else from you.

Best, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Ingrid,

I encounter the following error message. Could you help figure out what is wrong?

2021-12-06 09:48:46,102:eu_debug: <<<<<< POST library record will-greenleaf:K562_DMSO_4a_lib To DCC with URL and this payload:

{ "aliases": [ "will-greenleaf:K562_DMSO_4a_lib" ], "award": "/awards/UM1HG009436/", "biosample": "ENCBS829GTX", "construction_platform": "OBI:0002630", "lab": "/labs/will-greenleaf/", "nucleic_acid_term_name": "RNA", "size_range": "300-600" }

2021-12-06 09:48:46,255:eu_debug: Failed to POST will-greenleaf:K562_DMSO_4a_lib 2021-12-06 09:48:46,256:eu_debug: <<<<<< DCC POST RESPONSE: 2021-12-06 09:48:46,259:eu_debug: { "@type": [ "ValidationFailure", "Error" ], "code": 422, "description": "Failed validation", "errors": [ { "description": "{'lab': '/labs/will-greenleaf/', 'award': '/awards/UM1HG009436/', 'nucleic_acid_term_name': 'RNA', 'size_range': '300-600', 'aliases': ['will-greenleaf:K562_DMSO_4a_lib'], 'construction_platform': 'OBI:0002630', 'biosample': 'ENCBS829GTX'} is not valid under any of the given schemas", "location": "body", "name": [] } ], "status": "error", "title": "Unprocessable Entity" }

Best, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Tao,

I think all you're missing here is the "strand_specificity" property, which is required since the library is composed of RNA. Please let me know if you still see an error after including that property!

Best, Ingrid

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Ingrid, thanks for your quick reply.

Betty, could you please tell me what ‘strand_specificity’ your datasets have?


twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Betty,

assay_term_name for experiment is currently RNA-seq.

However, it must be one of the following for submission: ['CRISPR screen', 'MPRA', 'perturbation followed by scRNA-seq', 'perturbation followed by snATAC-seq', 'pooled clone sequencing', 'STARR-seq']

Which one is appropriate for your datasets?

Thanks, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Looping in Ingrid:

It shouldn't be one of the options that Tao mentions below, Ingrid? It’s bulk RNA-seq after drug treatment.

Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Tao, I think if you submit this as ‘experiment’ and not as ‘functional characterization experiment’ you can just choose RNA-seq. Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Annika,

In the submission sheet, the experiment type is set to be ‘functional characterization experiment’. Can we submit it as ‘experiment’ instead?

Best, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think so. Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

this is what we did for the ATAC counterpart so we should it for this one as well, unless Ingrid doesn’t agree, Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Ingrid, could you please confirm this? Betty, if Ingrid agrees, you might need change the experiment type for the future submissions.

Thanks, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

From the information in this thread, it does sound like standard "RNA-seq", which would be an "Experiment" rather than "Functional Characterization Experiment"- applying a treatment is not unusual for Experiments.

Is this the complementary ATAC-seq data you're talking about?

I can't be certain what these data should be called without further details, but it's unlikely to be a FCE unless you are querying a large number of predetermined elements for each of their effects via RNA-seq expression or some other activity- which is why those are typically MPRA, STARR-seq, or CRISPR screens.

If you're still at all uncertain about calling it Experiment vs FCE, please send me further details about the protocol and/or experimental design.

Thanks! Ingrid

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Okay, after reading your email, I can confirm that this should be an experiment and not a functional characterization experiment. Thanks, Annika

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Betty,

Please check out the discussion about the experiment type that you might need to use in the future.

Best, Tao

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Hi Annika and Betty,

The datasets have been submitted successfully.

Best, Tao