StanfordHCI / fairwork

Server for the Fair Work Mechanical Turk script
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Its hard to spot outliers reports in emails #34

Open markwhiting opened 4 years ago

markwhiting commented 4 years ago

Right now emails may have many workers reports nested in lines of text that are not tab delimited or in a monospace font, so it can be pretty hard to make sense of them quickly.

We could delimit and use a monospace font, both of which would help, and we could also order the reports from largest to smallest reported duration.

A report would go from (examples use fake IDs):

Worker B19QTSLG2OYDLZ: 1 report, median duration 0:12:00. Freeze this worker's payment Worker B19MTLG2OYDLZ: 1 report, median duration 0:22:00. Freeze this worker's payment Worker B19MTSLG2DWDLZ: 1 report, median duration 0:15:00. Freeze this worker's payment


Worker B19MTLG2OYDLZ    1 report    median duration    0:22:00    Freeze this worker's payment
Worker B19MTSLG2DWDLZ   1 report    median duration    0:15:00    Freeze this worker's payment
Worker B19QTSLG2OYDLZ   1 report    median duration    0:12:00    Freeze this worker's payment

or even...

WorkerId         Reports  Median duration    Freeze payment
B19MTLG2OYDLZ    1        0:22:00            Freeze
B19MTSLG2DWDLZ   1        0:15:00            Freeze
B19QTSLG2OYDLZ   1        0:12:00            Freeze
markwhiting commented 3 years ago

I just had this idea again and came here to post an issue about it.