StanfordSpezi / SpeziKt

Kotlin & Android Version of the Stanford Spezi Framework
MIT License
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Setup Codecov with Jacoco #23

Closed eldcn closed 1 month ago

eldcn commented 1 month ago

Setup Codecov with Jacoco

Fixes #10

:recycle: Current situation & Problem

Link any open issues or pull requests (PRs) related to this PR. Please ensure that all non-trivial PRs are first tracked and discussed in an existing GitHub issue or discussion.

:gear: Release Notes

Add a bullet point list summary of the feature and possible migration guides if this is a breaking change so this section can be added to the release notes. Include code snippets that provide examples of the feature implemented or links to the documentation if it appends or changes the public interface.

:books: Documentation

Please ensure that you properly document any additions in conformance to Spezi Documentation Guide. You can use this section to describe your solution, but we encourage contributors to document your reasoning and changes using in-line documentation.

:white_check_mark: Testing

Please ensure that the PR meets the testing requirements set by CodeCov and that new functionality is appropriately tested. This section describes important information about the tests and why some elements might not be testable.

:pencil: Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines

By submitting creating this pull request, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines:

codecov[bot] commented 1 month ago

Welcome to Codecov :tada:

Once you merge this PR into your default branch, you're all set! Codecov will compare coverage reports and display results in all future pull requests.

Thanks for integrating Codecov - We've got you covered :open_umbrella: