StanfordSpezi / SpeziOnboarding

Spezi Onboarding module to inform a user or retrieve consent for a study participation
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Incorporate Stanford Medical Research Forms & Consent Templates #8

Open PSchmiedmayer opened 1 year ago

PSchmiedmayer commented 1 year ago

Use Case

The Stanford IRB recommends the use of the consent templates to help researchers meet the legal requirements for consent.

See the Informed Consent Process page for more information about the consent process.


Stanford offers several medial research form and consent templates that provide an overview of the requirements of a consent from for a study conducted at Stanford:

The current consent flow requires the creation of a custom view with multiple options to properly reflect one of these documents and requires some additional steps to obtain a signature.


We should simplify the embedding of the Stanford medial research form and consent templates by either providing prebuilt views that enable an easier adoption of the consent forms or providing examples on how to adapt the views to more closely reflect the standard consent forms.

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