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Noise in sensor observations or robot+sensor pose #187

Closed sai-prasanna closed 10 months ago

sai-prasanna commented 1 year ago

I am implementing 2D bird's eye semantic mapping for omnigibson. I use a library called dungeon_maps which takes depth and semantic labels to construct the map. It uses camera parameters (hfov, resolution) and camera absolute pose to project the semantic pointcloud constructed from depth map onto a top down view. I am building a global map.

I run into a problem where when I move the robot around, the objects slightly move around. ie There is noise in either the pose or the observation.

FYI, to get the absolute pose, I add the x,y coordinate of camera position to the robot position. One thing that's weird is that the same get_position_orientation api returns position/orientation w.r.t global frame for the robot, but I guess for the sensor it returns the position/orientation relative to the robot base link. I might be wrong here and missing some other transformation which might result in the noise.

Here is the brief code to replicate what I am talking about. Do a pip install dungeon_maps in whatever environment you're using.

import math
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np

import omnigibson as og
from omnigibson.macros import gm
from omnigibson.robots import REGISTERED_ROBOTS
from omnigibson.object_states import Pose

from omnigibson.utils.ui_utils import choose_from_options, KeyboardRobotController
import dungeon_maps as dmap
from omnigibson.utils.usd_utils import get_camera_params
from omnigibson.utils.transform_utils import euler2quat, quat2euler, mat2euler, quat_multiply
import torch
from dungeon_maps.demos.object_map import vis
import cv2
from PIL import Image
    random="Use autonomous random actions (default)",
    teleop="Use keyboard control",

SCENES = dict(
    Rs_int="Realistic interactive home environment (default)",
    empty="Empty environment with no objects",

# Don't use GPU dynamics and use flatcache for performance boost

def choose_controllers(robot, random_selection=False):
    For a given robot, iterates over all components of the robot, and returns the requested controller type for each

    :param robot: BaseRobot, robot class from which to infer relevant valid controller options
    :param random_selection: bool, if the selection is random (for automatic demo execution). Default False

    :return dict: Mapping from individual robot component (e.g.: base, arm, etc.) to selected controller names
    # Create new dict to store responses from user
    controller_choices = dict()

    # Grab the default controller config so we have the registry of all possible controller options
    default_config = robot._default_controller_config

    # Iterate over all components in robot
    for component, controller_options in default_config.items():
        # Select controller
        options = list(sorted(controller_options.keys()))
        choice = choose_from_options(
            options=options, name="{} controller".format(component), random_selection=random_selection

        # Add to user responses
        controller_choices[component] = choice

    return controller_choices
from torch import nn

def main():
    Robot control demo with selection
    Queries the user to select a robot, the controllers, a scene and a type of input (random actions or teleop)
    """"Demo {__file__}\n    " + "*" * 80 + "\n    Description:\n" + main.__doc__ + "*" * 80)

    # Choose scene to load
    scene_model = 'Rs_int'

    # Choose robot to create
    robot_name = "Locobot"

    # Create the config for generating the environment we want
    scene_cfg = dict()

    scene_cfg["type"] = "InteractiveTraversableScene"
    scene_cfg["scene_model"] = scene_model
    scene_cfg["trav_map_resolution"] = 0.03

    # Add the robot we want to load
    robot0_cfg = dict()
    robot0_cfg["type"] = robot_name
    robot0_cfg["obs_modalities"] = ["rgb", "depth_linear", "seg_semantic", "camera"]
    robot0_cfg["action_type"] = "continuous"
    robot0_cfg["action_normalize"] = True

    # Compile config
    cfg = dict(scene=scene_cfg, robots=[robot0_cfg])

    # Create the environment
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg, action_timestep=1/10., physics_timestep=1/60.)

    # Choose robot controller to use
    robot = env.robots[0]
    controller_choices = {'base': 'DifferentialDriveController'} #choose_controllers(robot=robot, random_selection=random_selection)

    # Choose control mode
    control_mode = "teleop"

    # Update the control mode of the robot
    controller_config = {component: {"name": name} for component, name in controller_choices.items()}

    # Update the simulator's viewer camera's pose so it points towards the robot
        position=np.array([1.46949, -3.97358, 2.21529]),
        orientation=np.array([0.56829048, 0.09569975, 0.13571846, 0.80589577]),

    # Reset environment
    obs = env.reset()
    camera_params = obs["robot0"]["robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor_camera"]

    agent_pos, agent_ori = env.robots[0].get_position_orientation()

    agent_rpy = quat2euler(agent_ori)
    map_res = 0.03

    map_size = env.scene.trav_map.map_size

    c_relative_pos, c_relative_ori = env.robots[0].sensors['robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor'].get_position_orientation()
    c_abs_pose, c_abs_ori = agent_pos + c_relative_pos, quat_multiply(agent_ori, c_relative_ori)
    c_abs_rpy = quat2euler(c_abs_ori)
    cam_pose = [agent_pos[0], agent_pos[1], agent_rpy[2] - np.pi/2]

    # def map_to_world(self, xy):
    #     axis = 0 if len(xy.shape) == 1 else 1
    #     return np.flip((xy - map_size / 2.0) * self.map_resolution, axis=axis)

    map_offset = env.scene.trav_map.world_to_map(agent_pos[:2])

    proj = dmap.MapProjector(
        width = camera_params["resolution"]["width"],
        height = camera_params["resolution"]["height"],
        hfov = camera_params["fov"],
        vfov = None,
        cam_pose = cam_pose,
        cam_pitch = c_abs_rpy[1],
        cam_height = c_relative_pos[1],
        map_res = 0.03,
        map_width = map_size,
        map_height = map_size,
        trunc_depth_min = 0.15,
        trunc_depth_max = 5.05,
        fill_value = 0,
        to_global = True,

    build = dmap.MapBuilder(
        map_projector = proj

    # Create teleop controller
    action_generator = KeyboardRobotController(robot=robot)

    # Print out relevant keyboard info if using keyboard teleop
    if control_mode == "teleop":

    # Other helpful user info
    print("Running demo.")
    print("Press ESC to quit")

    # Loop control until user quits
    max_steps = -1
    step = 0
    color_map = torch.from_numpy(get_colormap(100)).cuda()
    done = False

    agent_xzys = []
    while not done:
        action = action_generator.get_random_action() if control_mode == "random" else action_generator.get_teleop_action()
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=action)

        # camera_params = obs["robot0"]["robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor_camera"]
        # camera_rpy = mat2euler(camera_params["pose"])

        agent_pos, agent_ori = env.robots[0].get_position_orientation()
        agent_xzy = np.array([agent_pos[0], agent_pos[2], agent_pos[1]])
        agent_rpy = quat2euler(agent_ori)
        print(env.robots[0].states[Pose].get_value(), agent_pos)

        depth = obs["robot0"]["robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor_depth_linear"]
        rgb = obs["robot0"]["robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor_rgb"]
        depth_map = depth #denormalize(depth)
        seg = obs["robot0"]["robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor_seg_semantic"]
        depth_map = torch.tensor(depth_map, device='cuda').unsqueeze(0)
        seg_map = torch.tensor(seg.astype(int), device='cuda')
        seg_map = nn.functional.one_hot(seg_map, num_classes=100) # (h, w, c)
        # seg_map = nn.functional.one_hot(torch.from_numpy(semantic.astype(int)), num_classes=100) # (h, w, c)

        seg_map = seg_map.permute((2, 0, 1)).to(dtype=torch.float32) # (c, h, w)
        depth_map[depth_map > 5] = 0
        depth_map[depth_map < 0.15] = 0

        c_relative_pos, c_relative_ori = env.robots[0].sensors['robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor'].get_position_orientation()
        c_abs_pose, c_abs_ori = agent_pos + c_relative_pos, quat_multiply(agent_ori, c_relative_ori)
        c_abs_rpy = quat2euler(c_abs_ori)

        cam_pose = [c_abs_pose[0], c_abs_pose[1], c_abs_rpy[2]]
        if len(agent_xzys) == 0 or not np.allclose(agent_xzys[-1], agent_xzy, 1e-2):

        local_map = build.step(
            depth_map = depth_map,
            value_map = seg_map,
            cam_pose = cam_pose,
            valid_map = depth_map > 0,
            cam_pitch = c_abs_rpy[1],
            cam_height = c_relative_pos[2],
        # render scene
        map_color = color_map[build.world_map.topdown_map.argmax(1)].squeeze().cpu().numpy()
        map_color = draw_trajectory(map_color, build.world_map, agent_xzys)

        cv2.imshow('Object map', map_color)
        sem_seg_color = color_map[seg.astype(int)]
        cv2.imshow('Semantic map', sem_seg_color.cpu().numpy())

        depth_normalized = (depth_map - depth_map.min()) / (depth_map.max() - depth_map.min())
        depth_img = Image.fromarray((depth_normalized * 255).squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), mode="L")
        img = np.array(depth_img.convert("RGB"))

        cv2.imshow('Depth map', img)

        #print(env.robots[0].get_position_orientation(), "ROBOT")
        step += 1

    # Always shut down the environment cleanly at the end

def get_colormap(n):
    def bitget(byteval, idx):
        return (byteval & (1 << idx)) != 0

    cmap = np.zeros((n, 3), dtype='uint8')
    for i in range(n):
        r = g = b = 0
        c = i
        for j in range(8):
            r = r | (bitget(c, 0) << 7-j)
            g = g | (bitget(c, 1) << 7-j)
            b = b | (bitget(c, 2) << 7-j)
            c = c >> 3

        cmap[i] = np.array([r, g, b])

    return cmap

def draw_trajectory(
    image: np.ndarray,
    topdown_map: dmap.TopdownMap,
    trajectory: np.ndarray,
    color: List[int] = [0, 0, 255],
    size: int = 2,
    assert len(image.shape) == 3  # (h, w, 3)
    assert image.dtype == np.uint8
    assert topdown_map.proj is not None
    pos = np.asarray(trajectory, dtype=np.float32)
    pos = topdown_map.get_coords(pos, is_global=True)
    pos = dmap.utils.to_numpy(pos)[0]
    return draw_segments(image, pos, color=color, size=size)

def draw_segments(image, points, color, size=2):
    for index in range(1, len(points)):
        prev = index - 1
        cur = index
        if np.all(points[prev] == points[cur]):
        image = draw_segment(image, points[prev], points[cur], color, size)
    return image

def draw_segment(image, p1, p2, color, size=2):
    image = cv2.line(image, (p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1]), color=color, thickness=size)
    return image

if __name__ == "__main__":

Visually, when the robot moves around the observations have this bounce (tilt) to it, but I don't use any sensor noises and I assume the coordinates returned will be the true coordinates.

cgokmen commented 1 year ago

For the noise issue here, could you try disabling the denoising stuff Omniverse has (DLSS, etc.) - these should be in the render settings menu in the RTX Realtime Settings.

The visualsensor local pose thing seems to be a separate issue so I opened a new issue for that.

Also this dungeon_maps thing looks really interesting. Perhaps we can add direct support for it later.

ChengshuLi commented 1 year ago

@sai-prasanna Sorry for the late reply. I think the issue resides in the following line:

    c_relative_pos, c_relative_ori = env.robots[0].sensors['robot0:eyes_Camera_sensor'].get_position_orientation()

I believe sensor.get_position_orientation() also returns the global pose of the camera w.r.t the world, NOT w.r.t the robot base. If this doesn't work, feel free to re-open the issue and ping me. Thanks!

sai-prasanna commented 1 year ago

@ChengshuLi It should, but it does not. The value returned there is always the same regardless of where the robot is. Which is why I called it relative pos, ori. I guess that's why @cgokmen raised as an issue.

cgokmen commented 1 year ago

Let's try to verify this @ChengshuLi - I do agree there might actually be a bug here.

ChengshuLi commented 1 year ago

Got it. Let me investigate a bit more and get back to you.

ChengshuLi commented 1 year ago

@sai-prasanna Sorry another question, which robot are you using?

cremebrule commented 1 year ago

Sorry, following up on this as well. I just tested and verified that without gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE on, VisionSensors should return the correct value, since every prim's attributes (including pos / ori) gets updated every time an object moves in the sim.

However, gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE (which in your attached script, is set to True) causes this to not work, which is expected because it is precisely the bypassing of writing to the USD at every timestep that gives the performance boost associated with flatcache.

Can you try setting gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE=False and trying again?

ChengshuLi commented 1 year ago

@cremebrule if @sai-prasanna is using an ActiveCameraRobot with the camera attached to a moving link, even with gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE=False, the result will still be wrong, right?

cremebrule commented 1 year ago

Nope, it should still be correct. I just tested with Fetch.

sai-prasanna commented 1 year ago

@cremebrule Thanks! setting it makes the position and orientation return the values I was computing manually.

chenjiayi-zxx commented 11 months ago

@cremebrule Hello, have you successfully used Fetch to build a map, can you share your method, I seem to be using Fetch when the result is even worse, thank you.

cgokmen commented 10 months ago

Closing this as resolved, the concrete issue to fix can be found in #243