StanfordVL / iGibson

A Simulation Environment to train Robots in Large Realistic Interactive Scenes
MIT License
646 stars 158 forks source link

Motion planner (for base) fails in empty room #262

Open mjlbach opened 2 years ago

mjlbach commented 2 years ago
from igibson.envs.igibson_env import iGibsonEnv

from igibson.utils.motion_planning_wrapper import MotionPlanningWrapper

def main():

    config = {'build_graph': True,
     'clutter': False,
     'debug': False,
     'depth_high': 10.0,
     'depth_low': 0.0,
     'depth_noise_rate': 0.0,
     'discount_factor': 0.99,
     'dist_tol': 1,
     'eval_freq': 20000,
     'fisheye': False,
     'image_height': 512,
     'image_width': 512,
     'load_object_categories': ['agent', 'floor'],
     'load_texture': True,
     'max_step': 500,
     'mode': 'headless',
     'not_load_object_categories': ['ceilings'],
     'num_envs': 8,
     'object_randomization_freq': None,
     'output': ['rgb', 'ins_seg', 'depth', 'sem_map', 'occupancy_grid'],
     'pixel_reward_scaling': 350.0,
     'potential_reward_scaling': 1.0,
     'pybullet_load_texture': False,
     'resume': True,
     'reward_functions': ['pixel', 'search', 'visitation'],
     'robot': {'action_normalize': True,
               'action_type': 'continuous',
               'base_name': None,
               'controller_config': {'base': {'name': 'DifferentialDriveController'}},
               'name': 'Turtlebot',
               'proprio_obs': ['dd_base_lin_vel', 'dd_base_ang_vel'],
               'rendering_params': None,
               'scale': 1.0,
               'self_collision': False},
     'save_freq': 200000,
     'scan_noise_rate': 0.0,
     'scene': 'igibson',
     'scene_id': 'Rs_int',
     'should_open_all_doors': False,
     'stack_frames': 0,
     'success_reward_scaling': 10.0,
     'texture_randomization_freq': None,
     'training_timesteps': 5000000,
     'urdf_file': 'Rs_int',
     'vertical_fov': 120,
     'visitation_reward_scaling': 750.0}

    env = iGibsonEnv(
        action_timestep=1 / 10.0,
        physics_timestep=1 / 40.0,

    motion_planner = MotionPlanningWrapper(env)

    for _ in range(10):
        plan = None
        itr = 0
        while plan is None and itr < 10:
            plan = motion_planner.plan_base_motion([1.0, -2, 0])
            itr += 1


    for _ in range(10):
        plan = None
        itr = 0
        # x, y, z = env.task.target_obj.get_position()
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        while plan is None and itr < 10:
            plan = motion_planner.plan_base_motion([1.0, -2.5, 0])
            itr += 1



    # Batch.from_data_list([data, data])

if __name__ == "__main__":
cgokmen commented 2 years ago

This might already be fixed in the new motion primitives branch (I remember making many changes to planner) but for other reasons that branch is broken now and won't be fixed at least until next week. Regardless, you might want to take a look there.