Closed Storm-Develop closed 3 years ago
Thx for the report.
First of all the bug: ISN_UIImagePickerController.SaveTextureToCameraRoll is not found anymore at your code.
Just fixed the documentation, have a look.
And a feature needed is to pass a name to the image to be saved or taken a screenshot from. So far I couldn't see a way to >do it.
If I understood you right you would like to give a name to the image you about to save to the photo album? Tbh I am not sure if iOS does have a feature like that, but if you will point me to the native API you are referring to I am sure it can be added to the plugin. Thanks!
Hmm I couldn't find a reference in IOS docs. Seems like there's no option to do it.
func UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(_ image: UIImage,
_ completionTarget: Any?,
_ completionSelector: Selector?,
_ contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)
I guess I got confused since easy mobile had that field to specify the image name.
Maybe easy mobile used it as cross-platfrom API? Because you can set name on Android, and on IOS it will just be ignored. For with Ultimate Mobile SaveImage you do have the file name option as well:
And as always if there is any native API you think plugin is missing, just give me a link and it will most likely appear in the next release :) Thanks.
First of all the bug: ISN_UIImagePickerController.SaveTextureToCameraRoll is not found anymore at your code.
And a feature needed is to pass a name to the image to be saved or taken a screenshot from. So far I couldn't see a way to do it.