Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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BCC: GetAuctionItemInfo("list", i) stopped ever returning owner, ownerFullName #127

Closed mooreatv closed 1 week ago

mooreatv commented 3 years ago

The code that worked fine in Classic:

In Classic: At most 2-3 reenter were needed to obtain the seller information

In Classic era: Still works fine

In Burning crusade classic: Even waiting indefinitely the information never populates

(full code : )

Ketho commented 3 years ago

Might have been backported from the C_AuctionHouse.GetReplicateItemInfo hotfix where owner and ownerFullName now always return nil to stop people from disconnecting

mooreatv commented 3 years ago

noone got disconnected on classic so not sure how that relates - did someone at blizzard say they don't plan on fixing / why are we closing bugs?

By the way I just tested despite the AH hotfix this is still an issue (I was wondering if the issue is maybe layers related (seller in another layer))

mooreatv commented 2 years ago

This bug has now also unfortunately propagated to Classic (bad in 1.14, was working fine in 1.13)

had to do earlier but I guess now need to forget about sellers entirely until / if ever this gets fixed