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World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Add support for speech-to-text locally #456

Open seblindfors opened 11 months ago

seblindfors commented 11 months ago

As seen in this article, the game is able to transcribe voice chat from other players in a voice channel with transcription enabled. However, this capability does not seem to exist locally, nor does it seem to transcribe your own voice into the transcription log.

With gamepad support in the game, not all players will have access to or use a keyboard to play the game, which renders them unable to chat effectively, and it also plays into the UI control somewhat due to search, popups and input fields. As the capability already seems to be there for your party members, but not exposed to any in-game API, it seems trivial to allow for local transcription that can be forwarded to other inputs. For disabled players especially, this is a huge accessibility boost which seems to be within arm's reach.

I suggest adding STT in the form of supplementing C_VoiceChat.BeginLocalCapture with another boolean argument to set transcription on the capture, and perhaps adding a new event in the form of VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_STT_MESSAGE that can deliver text once the transcription completes.