Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Re-sizing CompactPartyFrame is impossible since 10.1.7 as they re-size mid combat now #472

Closed muleyo closed 10 months ago

muleyo commented 10 months ago

Maybe one of the Blizzard guys reads this.

THIS really pisses me off, not gonna lie. This issue will most likely be closed but I don't really care.

Whatever you've done to the CompactUnitFrame / CompactPartyFrame events in 10.1.7, PLEASE revert it to pre-10.1.7 as it's literally impossible to change the CompactPartyFrame size now as they literally change mid combat when:

Another suggestion: Finally increase the slider values GREATLY. Tall AINT tall. Give us freedom.

PS: Yes, this is AGAIN an UI problem, but as I said: THIS has to be done at some point, like for real.