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Various item-based API's randomly return partial data. #485

Open mikuhl-dev opened 9 months ago

mikuhl-dev commented 9 months ago

While creating Command Palette, I have begun to notice that some item-based API's randomly return partial data. For example C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomInfo and C_ToyBox.GetToyInfo.

For example:

[20:42] Dump: value=C_ToyBox.GetToyInfo(208058)
[20:42] [1]=208058,
[20:42] [4]=false,
[20:42] [5]=false,
[20:42] [6]=3

toyName, and icon is missing here, but itemID, isFavorite, hasFanfare, and itemQuality were able to be returned.

This might mean that these follow the same gotcha as GetItemInfo, requiring the item to be cached, however isn't most information, especially name and icon, instantly available using the client-side item database? Here's the icon, here's the name.

You can wait for item data with C_Item.RequestLoadItemDataByID, but I still believe that this super overkill for information that should seemingly be available instantly.