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World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Allow IsItemInRange to work with equipped items or provide alternative (IsEquippedItemInRange) #501

Open rowaasr13 opened 7 months ago

rowaasr13 commented 7 months ago

Recent changes introduced to supposedly limit range checking between players in raids broke ability to display in custom UI if your ranged trinkets/weapon use effects/whatever is in range, which is quite bad, especially for otherwise melee characters (i.e. Rogue with Beacon to the Beyond).

IsItemInRange should continue to work in combat with items actually equipped on player (and maybe those in bags too) or a replacement function should be provided to check if equipped slot by slot ID is in range to restore functionality for players who REALLY want to just check their own items.

Also if checking distance between players is the only concern, alternatively limits could be removed from harmful items while checking against hostile target.

rowaasr13 commented 7 months ago

It seems issue is acknowledged at least as accessibility regression and Blue post promises checks against hostile targets returning: