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UnitChannelInfo doesn't work for anything else than "player" on era #516

Open mrbuds opened 6 months ago

mrbuds commented 6 months ago

With client version 1.15.x many API were changed to work same as on Retail client

UnitChannelInfo seems to work only for unit "player" but not for any other unit, as shown in the following example where i'm casting Blizzard while targeting myself

This look like an oversight.


for comparison, result of UnitCastingInfo while i'm casting Conjure Water image

I would expect UnitChannelInfo to work for any unit, not only for case of target=player as in this example, same as UnitCastingInfo

Note than UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START does have spellId as 3rd arg, but that doesn't help with duration/expirationTime of the cast image

This is on client version