Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Wardrobe Help Tip Cannot Be Disabled Due To Missing BitField #523

Closed Peterodox closed 5 months ago

Peterodox commented 5 months ago

The shortcuts help tip on the Appearance-Items UI always comes back when you open that tab. HideWardropbeTooltip

"cvarBitfield" and "bitfieldFlag" were missing from the helpTipInfo so the game cannot flag the tip as read after closing. The correct bitfield index is LE_FRAME_TUTORIAL_WARDROBE_TRACKING_INTERFACE

function WardrobeCollectionTutorialMixin:OnLoad()

    self.helpTipInfo = {
        buttonStyle = HelpTip.ButtonStyle.None,
        targetPoint = HelpTip.Point.BottomEdgeLeft,
        alignment = HelpTip.Alignment.Left,
        offsetX = 32,
        offsetY = 16,
        appendFrame = TrackingInterfaceShortcutsFrame,



Ketho commented 5 months ago

Fixed in 10.2.5 (53040)