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[SOD] Cancelaura bugs for rune based auras #528

Open XyzKangUI opened 4 months ago

XyzKangUI commented 4 months ago


[1] PoM - Prayer of Mending [2] PW:S - Power Word: Shield


/cancelaura seems to bug for certain rune based auras like Dispersion or Prayer of Mending.

So far these are the premisses:

(a) You can always /cancelaura PoM when it is the first or second aura applied, followed by other buffs (inner fire, shadow protection etc.). Later on when applied again and it is the 5th buff /cancelaura will still work for PoM. That is because there is some chain effect where your next buff "inherits" the 'non-bug state' from the previous buff, unless (c);

(b) If PoM is applied as the third or higher indexing aura, then /cancelaura breaks;

(c) If a buff is applied by another source (e.g. Arcane Intellect), it breaks the non-bug 'chain' and /cancelaura bugs once again;

(d) It seems to be affected by the number of auras and not buffs explicitly. For example casting PW:S first and PoM second, will make PoM the 3rd aura because of Weakened Soul and (b) applies;

(e) CancelSpellByName bugs as well, CancelUnitBuff does not;

(f) The /cancelaura bug only affects rune auras.

How to reproduce the bug:

  1. Be a priest
  2. /cast Power Word: Fortitude
  3. /cast Divine Spirit
  4. /cast Prayer of Mending
  5. /cancelaura Prayer of Mending
  6. Observe how it does not cancel the PoM buff.
  7. Cancel all buffs
  8. /cast Prayer of Mending
  9. /cast Divine Spirit
  10. /cast Power Word: Fortitude
  11. /cancelaura Prayer of Mending
  12. Successful.