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C_AzeriteItem.IsAzeriteItemEnabled does not return true until the Heart of Azeroth is equipped #534

Open corveroth opened 4 months ago

corveroth commented 4 months ago

C_AzeriteItem.IsAzeriteItemEnabled should return a boolean describing whether the "AzeriteItem", Heart of Azeroth, is currently enabled, which varies with the player's location (zone). The event AZERITE_ITEM_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED should signal changes in the return value.

However, IsAzeriteItemEnabled generally returns false in all zones. The event does not fire at login, or on zone changes.

The event only fires when the player equips the Heart. After that event, IsAzeriteItemEnabled behaves as expected for as long as the player remains in Heart-enabled zones. If the player leaves to more recent content and unequips the Heart, IsAzeriteItemEnabled reverts to its broken baseline behavior.