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C_Item.EquipItemByName() slot parameter not functioning correctly (as of 10.2.6) #541

Closed Sluimerstand closed 2 months ago

Sluimerstand commented 3 months ago

The optional slot parameter is not working as intend anymore since the application of the 10.2.6 patch.

Previous and intended behaviour (pre-10.2.6) Specifying a slot by its InvSlotId in EquipItemByName() would equip the item in the specified slot if appropriate, or return a "That item does not go in that slot" error.

Current behaviour (10.2.6) Specifying a slot by its InvSlotId in C_Item.EquipItemByName() returns a "That item does not go in that slot" error, even when the proper slot number is specified. Specifying one number lower however, does equip the item.

Example testing GetInventorySlotInfo("FEETSLOT") returns an InvSlotId of 8 /run C_Item.EquipItemByName("Nimblefinger Boots", 8) returns the "That item does not go in that slot" error. /run C_Item.EquipItemByName("Nimblefinger Boots") equips the item as expected. /run C_Item.EquipItemByName("Nimblefinger Boots", 7) equips the item, despite the wrong slot number being specified.

zeptognome commented 2 months ago

Fixed on PTR